
A human egg thief?! Well that had never even crossed my mind, wow that person is ballzzy! I say do you a rather large dog who can be outside? I know that might be a reach. Any ideas who the egg thief might be?

On the security system we got our from Costco and just like Samr said it was fairly easy to set up and we have the mobile app so we can remotely check our cameras when we are gone.
Hey all...looking for orpingtons besides the standard buffs....looking for maybe four hens and possibly a roo if he comes from a calm lineage.

I live in Parker but am willing to travel a big. Looking for peeps or young adults in the spring....can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks!

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The neighbor that hunts all the time needed eggs today. I only had 18 but still gave him a dozen. He said he has some game cams he will come set up so we can figure out WTH is going on. He likes the hens and brings them treats. Today he brought a big pumpkin for them.

With the prices of eggs I think they are selling them. This happened 2 years ago too. No one believed me until there were tracks in the snow from the front yard to the coop and back out. This time hubby is taking me more seriously.
If they were or are hungry heck ring the bell I keep a fully stocked kitchen and am sure I could come up with more than eggs.
I cannot even meet my sales at this time. I am supposed to deliver 36 eggs on Saturday to a gal with medical issues that needs super fresh and organic foods.

I do have a Malamute but he is such a baby about the wind he howls and raises heck until someone saves him from the wind. The other huge dogs do not have enough hair to be out in the cold for long. They are half weimeriner and half german wire haired pointers standing 30 inches at the shoulder. Nice big protective but under dressed dogs.

I will be sure to post what we find. Heck could be dang squirrels but they would be getting fat by now. I figure I am losing about a dozen a day since a couple of the old hens are done molting in time to lay again.
I get one egg a day, maybe every other day, when I was getting anywhere from 15-20 a day a month or two ago. I was selling 2 flats+ a week. Sure am missing that extra milk money
<sigh> Sure hope they start back up even a little soon. I need one more to complete the dozen on the table which are sold, and had to buy a store bought dozen for me.

Hope you fix your thief problem... that sucks even worse.
@21hens-incharge I am not sure why but I am still so shocked by your egg thief, that is definitely a violation of your space. I hear ya on the big dog scared of wind, our Anatolian hates the wind and given the opportunity he would rather hide in the bath tub than deal with wind.

The trail cams sound like a good place to start....keep us posted can't wait to see their dirty little egg thief
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Yes it sux bad. The baking season is upon us and yet I have no eggs again this year. I have 14 young pullets that were all started laying by August so should all be laying now. The old gals have the winter off and since they are molting (some of them) that means I should be getting AT LEAST 9 a day even if some of the pullets take a day off here and there. Either that or I need to make a whole heap of soup.

I am going to go gather eggs very soon and will update this post with todays count. I had to work and hubby ended up working as well so no lock on the coop today.

Yesterday was sad and pitiful at 3 eggs 2 from the old ladies and 1 from the pullets. One of the ones from the old ladies was from Itty Bitty the tiny bantam cochin. Insult to injury that one was tiny I guess.
Latestarter, and 21hens, curious if you lighting your coops? Others? Are you lighting your coops?
This is the first year I am not adding light, and so far I can't tell much difference in egg production.

I have 14 layers, 10 two years olds, most of these girls are molting or just done molting. The other 4 are this years birds hatched in late February. I am getting 7 to 10 eggs a day.

I can't imagine having to worry about someone stealing eggs. What kind of person would do such a thing?
Yesterday was a dismal 2 eggs again. They were again under the old BO hen that is gimpy and not inclined to let anyone reach under her. Most of the day yesterday no one was home so they had plenty of time to raid. Today I was gone a lot too with DH so we will see what we got.
I am not adding light at this time.

I just got the game cam and hopefully can figure out how to use it by myself. The neighbor handed it to DH and said he would need it back in a week. No instructions included dang it. Google will be my friend in operating it I am sure.

The world is full of odd people I have found. To proud to ask for help but not to proud to steal I guess.
Hey Maggie, no... I'm not lighting. I want to keep things as natural/normal as possible. I get about 1 egg a day or every other day right now. That being from the Buff Orps. None of the others are laying and they are almost fully fledged back out at this point. Did find 2 sets of fox tracks along the outside of the runs (snow) over a 2 night period. My LGD has been back there at night barking so I know what he's barking at. Neither can get through the fencing to get at the other. Looks like the fox is coming by nightly to see if anything got left outside. Fat chance of that happening...
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