


So far, they all seem to be doing okay. The last hatch is still small & a little behind the others, developmentally. I had a scare earlier today & thought all 4 were dead, so I am again in the middle of Toddler Rage Mode again. Really great since the harassment/discrimination at work has been worse this month now that I have to share an office with my harasser. Just very stressed, exhausted, and overwhelmed right now.
@uzisuzuki Cute!
Glad they are doing okay. Hope the little one catches up.

You've probably talked about this before but have you reported this person to Human Resources? If you haven't I suggest you do so right away. You shouldn't have to put up with any harassment or discrimination at work. It is against the law! If you have reported this person and your employer has done nothing that is also a huge no-no. I suggest you put in writing what kinds of things have happened and when, if you can remember specific dates that would be better (though I know you have a memory problem). Ask to see the head of HR. Tell them everything that has happened and request a formal investigation. Ask that they move you or the problem coworker to a new office immediately, while the investigation is being performed. Tell them there and then that if this problem is not addressed you will be filing a complaint with the Colorado Civil Rights Division or the EEOC. That should light a fire. I'm telling you this as the HR Manager for my company. No HR person wants to deal with the EEOC. I've had to deal with false claims made by disgruntled ex-employees (long story) and even knowing we did nothing wrong it was stressful.

Here are the specifics on how to go about filing a complaint with the CCRD or EEOC.

Oh, one more thing... It is also against the law for your employer to treat you differently after you have filed a complaint. This includes the problem coworker and any supervisors whose heads you are going over. It is called retaliation. If you feel like you are being treated worse after you make your complaint go right back to HR and report it.

Sorry if this was crossing a line with your personal situation but I hate to think you are suffering when there are those that can help.
Haha, it's totally the ragamuffin stage!!! That's awesome. I have my quail eggs in the incubator. Today is only day 5. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for raggamuffins!!!
Passing to the group a question regarding hatching in high altitudes.
what incubator do you use, what is temperature humidity before and after lockdown.
2 hatches seem to have problem during lock down. low hatch rate, all eggs before lock down look fine, moving etc. Friend tried eggs from different breeders - same outcome.
She does it by the book, maybe there are some particular things that need to be followed for high altitudes in our state...
Between the weather and a broken drill, work on the coop building project is taking longer than I thought - and the chicks are still in the house. I'm wondering if anyone has chicken diapers their birds have outgrown that would be interested in selling? I'm having a hard time swallowing spending $80-100 on new chicken diapers for my 5 since they will outgrow them in a couple months (and they'll be mostly in the coop soon).
Chicken diapers? really? I hate to say it, but you're in the same position as about 50% of folks starting out with chickens... My coops weren't finished when they should have been either. So the chicks stayed inside longer than anticipated, but never heard of or used diapers... Instead of 80 bucks for diapers, get yourself a new drill! Hopefully that way they won't need to stay in the house for a couple more months! Good luck!
Cute! :love Glad they are doing okay. Hope the little one catches up.

You've probably talked about this before but have you reported this person to Human Resources? If you haven't I suggest you do so right away. You shouldn't have to put up with any harassment or discrimination at work. It is against the law! If you have reported this person and your employer has done nothing that is also a huge no-no. I suggest you put in writing what kinds of things have happened and when, if you can remember specific dates that would be better (though I know you have a memory problem). Ask to see the head of HR. Tell them everything that has happened and request a formal investigation. Ask that they move you or the problem coworker to a new office immediately, while the investigation is being performed. Tell them there and then that if this problem is not addressed you will be filing a complaint with the Colorado Civil Rights Division or the EEOC. That should light a fire. I'm telling you this as the HR Manager for my company. No HR person wants to deal with the EEOC. I've had to deal with false claims made by disgruntled ex-employees (long story) and even knowing we did nothing wrong it was stressful.

Here are the specifics on how to go about filing a complaint with the CCRD or EEOC.

Oh, one more thing... It is also against the law for your employer to treat you differently after you have filed a complaint. This includes the problem coworker and any supervisors whose heads you are going over. It is called retaliation. If you feel like you are being treated worse after you make your complaint go right back to HR and report it.

Sorry if this was crossing a line with your personal situation but I hate to think you are suffering when there are those that can help.

I work for the government & everyone knows about my situation (supervisors, HR) because it's been going on since before I came back to work when I could walk again, but good luck getting anything done in the government. In fact, I had one supervisor retire early just to get out of the hostile environment my harasser had created for them. I need the job to pay for my medical bills & the health insurance, plus I don't qualify for much with my brain injury, so I'm kinda stuck right now. I'm hoping I can finish my degree in art history & use that to find a new job, but I don't know how much longer I can physically put up with this.

Passing to the group a question regarding hatching in high altitudes.
what incubator do you use, what is temperature humidity before and after lockdown.
2 hatches seem to have problem during lock down. low hatch rate, all eggs before lock down look fine, moving etc. Friend tried eggs from different breeders - same outcome.
She does it by the book, maybe there are some particular things that need to be followed for high altitudes in our state...

I use a Brinsea Mini on the settings it recommends (99.5 degrees) & my hatch last year for my own flock's eggs were 50% successful. I don't worry about the humidity until lock down, except with the shipped hatching eggs I get. Since they come from a lower altitude, I made sure the humidity was higher during the last half of the hatch when I noticed the air sacs were a bit too large for the day of incubation they were on. I unfortunately don't measure it, I just go by how much condensation is on the lid. I had a 100% success this time, but I still had the one shrink wrapped chick I had to help at the end. I know there's a whole thread dedicated to hatching for high altitudes that I found on the site last year, but I don't remember the link right off hand. Sorry I can't be more technical/specific, but I got the Brinsea because it pretty much is hands off & doesn't allow me to mess anything up by forgetting to do something.
Thanks latestarter! It's reassuring to hear I'm not the only one. Yes, I do have a new drill now and the snow is melted so I'm anxious to get back out there and finish the coop. I think this eve I am just at wits end - the chicks are in increasingly bigger and taller boxes with a cover, yet every day when I come home from work at least a few of them are out - poop all over my rugs, kitchen...
At that point I was seriously thinking $80 was worth my sanity (and cleaning). Then I thought if someone was selling used ones it might be more realistic. If nothing else it's motivation to build fast!
Passing to the group a question regarding hatching in high altitudes.
what incubator do you use, what is temperature humidity before and after lockdown.
2 hatches seem to have problem during lock down. low hatch rate, all eggs before lock down look fine, moving etc. Friend tried eggs from different breeders - same outcome.
She does it by the book, maybe there are some particular things that need to be followed for high altitudes in our state...

I'm at 8000. I have had good hatches and lousy hatches so don't know if I'm any help at all. When I have problems it seems like it occurs at lockdown as well. Anyway, I use a Lyons TX-7. I try to keep the humidity at a wet bulb temperature of 84 and then up it to 90 for lockdown. That is wet bulb temperature, not percentage of humidity. The temperature is set for 99.5 to 100 throughout the hatch.

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