
coop is 8x5x6 with 3 roosts 5 feet long. area for 4 nesting boxes. how many free rang birds would that fit comfortably? they only go sleep there.
i have little ones there that will be adults size soon. I think I need to reduce my chicks count. I bought spares and did not loose a single one to my dogs or illness, they are all healthy. I think I have too many for that coop size. When they are little that's a lot of room, they seem to pack down in one spot to sleep and do not use all the roosting space, and some still play babies sleeping under the feeder, go figure. I got spares because we have hawks and other wildlife, neighbors were losing young birds to unknown predator, but they are not fenced and I'm fenced mostly with some rabbits digging and me fixing... constant ordeal... I'll let little ones free range when trees have more on them and they can hide better. now - way too open... hawks will get them for breakfast lunch and dinner. Coop has fully covered large run that is over 10x10x30 or so with chicken play ground/roosting (aka stump and screwed into it branches) that one fortnox - with boulders, reebar, skirted chicken wire and such, tested on my dogs - nope, no entry all solid, mean fox will not get in, or skunk. at least I hope so. and after that they have several acres fenced to free range.
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I have buff Chantecler birds from Fowl Stuff. You have to give them tons of time to grow out, like months and months. I hatched 3 last September. They are just now getting their size. The pullet isn't at POL yet, doesn't even look close. You will be amazing how stocky the little ones will get compared to the Ameraucanas. The little cockerels will bite you, but not when they grow out. They tend to have a great temperament when grown and they do lay all winter.

I also have a few LF lavenders and lots of blacks from John. So if we need to trade out on gender, I might be able to help.

As an FYI, I have bantam silver ameraucanas in the bator right now. Haven't even checked fertility yet, but if I can hatch some extras and you're interested let me know.
Cathy aka Pecheronchick just took all the Chantecler chick and all the silver Ameraucanas. If anyone is interested in any large fowl black or lavender Ameraucanas from Fowl Stuff let me know off list.
Keep me posted on those bantam eggs!
Edited to add; I have 3 black Ameraucanas and 3 Lavender Ameraucanas extra
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My chicks made it today as well. After a delayed delivery all very alive and active. I can tell the Dark Brahma's and the Gold Laced Wyandottes, but I cant tell which ones are Columbia Wyandottes and which ones are Whiting True Blue, the reason for the order. I want BLUE EGGS! The little dinosaurs are now snug in their newly built brooder. I am using a heating pad and going to raise these babies with their flockmates now almost a year old. I know, where are the pictures. Not to dissapoint. More pictures later. If you are looking for chicks, some of these beauties are available in Penrose.
I may be interested! Im down the road from you in Rockvale!
I am so exhausted today...

Last night was senior prank night. I usually come in to make sure that the activities at the school don't get TOOO out of hand. I didn't get home till after midnight last night...and I went home early.

This is going to be a LONG DAY.
Cathy aka Pecheronchick just took all the Chantecler chick and all the silver Ameraucanas. If anyone is interested in any large fowl black or lavender Ameraucanas from Fowl Stuff let me know off list.
Keep me posted on those bantam eggs!
Edited to add; I have 3 black Ameraucanas and 3 Lavender Ameraucanas extra
maggiemo - I will let you about the silver bantams.

Percheronchick - If you end up with any extra LF silver ameraucana males, please let me know. I have 4 LF hens and have not been able to find a guy for them.
Babies are soooo much fun, I have 50 on the ground and 30 in the brooder, never get tired of them, and never get tired of eating them.

Haha, this really struck a chord with me!! I am of the same mindset, and it's not all that common that people talk about how they will eat these little cuties someday! Though I've been hunting my whole life, eating animals that I've developed a bond with has been harder that I anticipated. At the same time, I love to get new chicks too much to avoid eating a lot of them! Not to mention they are darn tasty!
Quote: Nice to meet you, someone after my own heart, I am trying some Pioneer Chickens from McMurray also know as Dixie Rainbows this year. My understanding is they breed naturally and lay 300 large eggs a year, 5lb+ dress out weight at 15 weeks. I also have some F2 generation eggs in the incubator, the lady I got them from says second generation comes in 4.5lb+ in 15 weeks. So we will see if this can turn into a truly dual purpose sustainable breed.
The little ones have been outside almost a week now.


They are so much happier and content when they're outside. They act all surprised each morning when I open the coop.

With the weather front that blew through here about an hour ago, they just spent night out in a storm. Lots of lightening and thunder.


Whiling to go outside and check?...nope.
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