
Well, the highly recommended by neighbor realtor came calling the other day. Walked him through and around and he should be getting back to me later today or tomorrow with a market analysis. Still hoping that the one potential cash buyer can get her dear aunt to release her trust fund money to move forward with the deal. I'll make sure the RE knows in writing that if she comes through, he gets no commission as it's been in works for months. I have to get off my lard butt and get serious about selling this place.
Maybe I'll win the powerball tonight and all my worries will be over?
Well, the highly recommended by neighbor realtor came calling the other day. Walked him through and around and he should be getting back to me later today or tomorrow with a market analysis. Still hoping that the one potential cash buyer can get her dear aunt to release her trust fund money to move forward with the deal. I'll make sure the RE knows in writing that if she comes through, he gets no commission as it's been in works for months. I have to get off my lard butt and get serious about selling this place. :fl Maybe I'll win the powerball tonight and all my worries will be over? :lau :gig

Keeping fingers crossed.
Love your garden and your chickens! Our garden is really late in producing this year, but the past couple weeks I finally see progress. Are your hens Welsummers? They are pretty!


The garden is exploding and wow is it producing.


And girls are watching it VERY closely.


It is so fun keeping chickens....

6 of them are Welsummers. These will replace my laying flock.


2 of the layers are Barred Rocks...great layers.


My other 2 layers are Black Sexlinks

Have you found these to be good breeds,for Colorado? We just got our first chickens this Spring. I have three four month old pullets (I think,) and I'm receiving my first shipment of 6 chicks next week! I tried to get different breeds that I thought would do well. Would it have been better to get all the same breed?
Have you found these to be good breeds,for Colorado? We just got our first chickens this Spring. I have three four month old pullets (I think,) and I'm receiving my first shipment of 6 chicks next week! I tried to get different breeds that I thought would do well. Would it have been better to get all the same breed?

I've had the Welsummers for 18 weeks, they are laying yet. I have not developed an opinion of the breed as yet. Give me a year or so...

The Barred Rock is a great breed, beautiful birds and very productive producers. I would highly reccomend tge breed.

The Black Sexlinks are again very productive and I really have enjoyed my birds.

Buff Orpingtons are another breed that I would classify as a favorite of mine. Great producers with wonderful personalities.
Some folks get all one breed, others love a collage of color. This goes with feathering as well as eggs. Some want dark brown eggs, others white, others want blues and greens and some want the whole spectrum
Egg color will for sure determine breed choices. Most breeds will do just fine here, with certain additional steps taken depending on your location, like if you're at high altitude (cold, bears, lions, coyotes, stray dogs, etc..) Really, it comes down to what you personally want and like. There are breed characteristics that indicate what you can expect, but just like human animals, they don't always conform to "standards".

By the way, Welcome to BYC and the Colorado thread!
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