
Well, since it seems to be a topic, I am selling my present place and moving. I've been telling the prospective buyers that if they want to have the chickens, I'll leave them as it will be a royal PITA to try to move them with me. If anyone here is interested, they are all a little over 2 years old, 6 BA hens that were with a rooster till about 2-3 weeks ago when that roo attacked me and met his maker. 6 BO hens (or maybe it's 5) with a roo. One of the hens has a badly damaged wing join, but she's a fighter and won't give up, so I haven't culled her. Then there are 3 New Hampshires with a roo, and finally 4 White Wyandottes with a WW roo and a Delaware roo. If anyone is interested, let me know.
When my daughter and son-in-law sold their house they offered their coop in the sale. The buyers also wanted their hens, but they had had them for a year and were totally attached to them. So they bought four chick, brooded them and had them in the coop by closing on the house. Worked out well.
Thank you everyone! By chance does anyone know of anyplace in the greater Denver area that might have bantam chicks in stock? Wardle is out, however, I did find some at Northern CO Feeders Supply in Fort Collins. That's a bit of a drive for me but I'll do it if there isn't anyplace closer.
I have some lavender
bantam roosters that are probably 4 months old now, you can have, or anyone can have. I have two extra. I got them from Fowl Stuff
Bummed about Wardles not taking any more
I doubt I will be able to find homes for them. I have another rooster too, that is from Cathy's mix breed stock. He's a handsome rumpless EE mix.
I have some lavender
bantam roosters that are probably 4 months old now, you can have, or anyone can have. I have two extra. I got them from Fowl Stuff
Bummed about Wardles not taking any more
I doubt I will be able to find homes for them. I have another rooster too, that is from Cathy's mix breed stock. He's a handsome rumpless EE mix.

I can't have roosters where I'm at unfortunately :(
My experience with roosters is mixed. The bantam cochin accidental rooster was FANTASTIC with my then 9 year old son as well as with the hens. He would ride around on his shoulder for hours and never once even thought about questioning authority. The Japanese Black Tail roo was great with the hens and non aggressive toward humans. He was what I would label as shy not mean at all.
We had a SS accidental roo that was aggressive toward humans and a BA roo that was coming along nicely but both of them had to be rehomed since I am in town. The BA would have made a nice rooster.

The Silkies on the other hand were NOT decent roosters around anyone or anything. They attacked for no reason and not just people either. They were horrid to the hens and I do not mean a "boys will be boys" way either. They attacked them drawing blood and me and my son and the shovel and the broom and anything else they felt needed a whoopin.

If I could have a roo I would certainly be willing to take the IB as I have 2 IB hens that are 18 months old. Sadly I cannot and that kind of bums me out.

LS I wish I had known you were going to let the gals go a week ago. I just got 5 BA chicks and 2 BSL. It would have been nice to be able to have given your gals a home as BA are my favorite breed and I am down 15 in the flock from culling out old and non laying ones. I wont have room now dang it.
I have some lavender
Ameraucana ​
bantam roosters that are probably 4 months old now, you can have, or anyone can have. I have two extra. I got them from Fowl Stuff 
Bummed about Wardles not taking any more :(  I doubt I will be able to find homes for them. I have another rooster too, that is from Cathy's mix breed stock. He's a handsome rumpless EE mix. 

Wardles will still take Roos for $15, just not at the moment. It changes every day, apparently. Their chicken swaps are the third Saturday of the month, but the guy on the phone admitted roos are hard to sell or even give away.
If we do get one I would wait until next year, sorry. I'm in my first year of chickens and want to keep things calm and easy for awhile :)
I have no real experience with this rooster and kids. My granddaughter goes around him with no problems, but my chickens aren't free ranging yet, either. He is always is sweet to me and he protects the other two (lets them eat first, plays nicely). I thought he was a pullet until just a few days ago! You are certainly welcome to come see him. I would love to know that he is going to a good home. :D
Actually I've been entirely too busy the past few days with property showings... So far, two confirmed offers with 2 more possible. Won't see any till Monday when realtor gets back into town. 1 more showing tomorrow late afternoon (so far). hopefully that will be the last and the house will be sold/off the market. You know, I'm not a slob (to my way of thinking anyway), but trying to keep this place show ready with 2 big dogs blowing coat is a nightmare! Also the fact that I'm not really a cleanliness freak...

But it HAS been nice that the weather has remained pretty cloudy and comfortable so I could leave the house open during the day
Going to be back to hot starting tomorrow... Glad most of the showings are done!

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