
This is true of the Roo's as well. We have hawks and ours do a wonderful job of warning of the hawks. Of course, at the moment we have too many and need to eat a couple, and won't that be fun!
If anyone knows where i can get some chickens near Pueblo, CO please let me know. My mom and dad are looking to add some chickens to their flock for bug control. I think they are wanting babies or younger hens but I will pass on any info that I get to them. Thanks!
Are they just wanting them for bug control or eggs too? I have a couple of old hens that just probably need a good home to retire too. They probably lay an occasional egg. I also have 19 in the incubator due to hatch Friday but no guarantees on sex at that young of age!!
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Bug control, they have some laying hens and I get 90% of the eggs already because they cant eat them quick enough. So they would be very interested in the old hens you have. And probably the chicks when they hatch.
I am having pretty bad luck with my hatches this year so I've decided I may need to purchase some chicks. I would really love some Polish and/or Jersey Giant pullets, but am open to other LF breeds.

I am trying really hard not to have any hatchery quality birds. If you have any, or know of anyone in the Denver area that has some non-hatchery quality pullets/chicks for sale please let me know.

My first hatch had one survivor. The two I purchased to be 'buddies' are both roos. My second hatch goes on lockdown tomorrow, but I'm already down to only 8 eggs.

Nora: I have 9 blue silkies, s/r, and i could probably let go of one. They are 3 months old. If you can figure out girl or boy, you're welcome to buy one!

To anyone:

Just fyi ... I have 2 bantam eggers, also 3 months old, that need a new home. The girl has a crossed beak (see my avatar) and the boy defends her no matter what. They need to go together. They're in LOVE!

Also have s/r 2-3 week old chicks, cross between egger roo and black australorp hens. Lots to choose from. Good hardy stock. Mostly black but have a few colorations in there, like some gold barring.

Send an e-mail if you're interested.

p.s. snowed here this weekend but not enough to write home about. and snowed some more today! come on!

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