
Anyone have suggestions for egg eating? I think the girls have been wind and snowed in too long. I'm finding remnants of egg shells, some poked through and some yoke on eggs left.

I have no idea who is doing it, and if I had electricity I'd figure out a way to hook up a camera to figure it out. We were getting 8-10 eggs a day and for weeks now, since I found the first one, we are down to maybe 3.

Thoughts? Can I stop it?

I'd get some wooden eggs to put in with the real ones - some people even use golf balls. It will usually break them.
Thanks ossiander. The Black Forest coop is just like the ones I have been looking at except its smaller. We want to get one that is the same kind only ten feet long with a nest box at each end. I was worried that the hens would be cramped and not able to get a heat bulb in the top. Also someone told me that with the side door opening like that, it would be easy to get rain and snow inside the coop. I still like the look of the coop for the backyard. I appreciate you letting us know that a similar one has worked for you. Are your hens still laying currently in their little home? Do you do anything weather wise to help them stay warm? There is snow on the ground right now. Are you still letting them out to run during the day? Thanks so much for sharing. I just want to make sure we do this right. :)
Anyone have suggestions for egg eating? I think the girls have been wind and snowed in too long. I'm finding remnants of egg shells, some poked through and some yoke on eggs left.

I have no idea who is doing it, and if I had electricity I'd figure out a way to hook up a camera to figure it out. We were getting 8-10 eggs a day and for weeks now, since I found the first one, we are down to maybe 3.

Thoughts? Can I stop it?

You can try putting a flock block in the coop. Halves of cabbages tied from a string so they can peck at them (and play tetherball) Make sure they have their oyster shell always available. I had to increase my protein in my ration to keep my girls happy. Layer is usually 16% and I feed 18% to 20% . It just seems to work better at my altitude. 8600' You can also try putting wooden eggs in the nests and collect eggs as often as possible. Good Luck! That can be a tough one.
Thanks ossiander. The Black Forest coop is just like the ones I have been looking at except its smaller. We want to get one that is the same kind only ten feet long with a nest box at each end. I was worried that the hens would be cramped and not able to get a heat bulb in the top. Also someone told me that with the side door opening like that, it would be easy to get rain and snow inside the coop. I still like the look of the coop for the backyard. I appreciate you letting us know that a similar one has worked for you. Are your hens still laying currently in their little home? Do you do anything weather wise to help them stay warm? There is snow on the ground right now. Are you still letting them out to run during the day? Thanks so much for sharing. I just want to make sure we do this right. :)

They will be a year old in 2 months. I have been getting 2-4 eggs daily from the 4 hens. They did have not had any problems with the weather. On the coldest days I have had to check for eggs 2-3 times a day, to make sure that the eggs do not freeze and crack. I have noticed some snow in the nesting part on the really snowy windy days. I let them out into the back yard for a few hours a day, they go into the bottom of the tractor most days, only when it is really cold or really hot would they be in the top. If you want you can come over to check them out. Larger would be better I think but it would also be heaver.
Welcome to all the new Coloradoans to BYC! This latest snow definitely feels spring like. Judging by the wind earlier this week, springs comin'!! That wind was so strong it blew a glass shower door off the spinach cold frame.
The incubator is full, many silkie eggs candling fertile. Some bantam cochins too. At the moment, I'd have a young cochin pair available. Lots to look forward to in poultry this year....Denver County Fair, Colo Poultry assoc show, Rocky Mtn feather fancier show, various county fairs.
My EE resumed laying on Wednesday! She was on hiatus for almost 3 months. My daughter is happy that I'm no longer referring to her as, "Soup"

Four eggs in the box yesterday afternoon:

Hey ossiander,
Thanks for all the good info. It would be helpful to visit them and see how your setup is really working. My hubby and I are around most weekends. My email address is [email protected] if you want to arrange something. We really appreciate the info. Is this your first year raising chickens in Colorado? What kinds of chickens did you choose?

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