
Hey All,,

   I was speaking with my father yesterday. He has owns a feed mill/ hardware store back in rural NY, so we talk feed a lot etc.. Any way I got to talking to him about Fermented feed and whole grain feeds etc... I mentioned my mix of Corn oats, scratch and the rest of my mix and he told me I should take the corn out of the mix for the birds. Why? From his experience with Feeding corn it raises body temp in Chickens and other livestock. So if you can take the corn out of your feeding ration it may keep them a touch cooler. So maybe just use corn in the cooler months. I'm trying this today and I'll let everyone know if I see a difference in their behavior. Dads been making feed since the fifties and my grandfather before that, so it may not be gospel but if it helps it can't hurt right?

You know, there may be something to this. I have read that feeding your flock some corn right before bed in the winter time will keep their body heat up at night while they are digesting. It makes sense that they would do the same thing in summer. I just started giving our girls scratch so maybe I will hold off on it as well.
From Colorado here! Nice to see so many chicken lovers in our state!
Hey All,,

I was speaking with my father yesterday. He has owns a feed mill/ hardware store back in rural NY, so we talk feed a lot etc.. Any way I got to talking to him about Fermented feed and whole grain feeds etc... I mentioned my mix of Corn oats, scratch and the rest of my mix and he told me I should take the corn out of the mix for the birds. Why? From his experience with Feeding corn it raises body temp in Chickens and other livestock. So if you can take the corn out of your feeding ration it may keep them a touch cooler. So maybe just use corn in the cooler months. I'm trying this today and I'll let everyone know if I see a difference in their behavior. Dads been making feed since the fifties and my grandfather before that, so it may not be gospel but if it helps it can't hurt right?

He is completely correct...corn is a great high energy feed mix for poultry.

.....back in the day....I fed cracked corn to the poultry in the evenings on cold winter nights. It really kept them warm...I don't feed corn to the flock in the summer, but it does become part of the menu in the fall, winter and early spring.
You know, there may be something to this. I have read that feeding your flock some corn right before bed in the winter time will keep their body heat up at night while they are digesting. It makes sense that they would do the same thing in summer. I just started giving our girls scratch so maybe I will hold off on it as well.
I have read the same thing in A LOT of places, so I've only ever given scratch to my young packing peanuts when they were outside and it was supposed to get below 20 degrees. Right now, when I have to entice my chickens to come to me, I use bread. They adore it because they don't get it very often. Otherwise, the chicken get weeds as treats because they've eaten everything in their run. Thankfully, I'm in no danger of running out.
Well I'm glad I could help. I'm pretty new to chickens so I'm learning all the time. I don't notice much difference with the birds, still panting, but it seems less labored. Who knows hopefully taking the corn out helped. Also I've got to apologize for the poor grammar in my earlier post... totally missed that on the proof read. Ugh!
Well I'm glad I could help. I'm pretty new to chickens so I'm learning all the time. I don't notice much difference with the birds, still panting, but it seems less labored. Who knows hopefully taking the corn out helped. Also I've got to apologize for the poor grammar in my earlier post... totally missed that on the proof read. Ugh!

I don't think there are any grammar police around, I am sure most of us are use to reading what is meant and often miss what is typed, I do at least. :)

I am new as well, my babies are only 7 weeks old and it has been a fun and sometimes scary roller coaster. I over sanitize everything because I worry about them getting sick and worry about ever sniffle... What can I say I am a new mom.
I am on often and if I can ever help I will.
I too have heard that corn warms them up and oats will help cool them down. I don't know the logistics of that however. Anyway I don't feed scratch in the warmer months, just oats and milo. Corn also tends to fatten them up. A bird that is too heavy is not a good thing, it makes it harder for them to lay well.

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