
We had one like that the other day. Not so much dark brown, but two shaded. Weird.

I read once that the last thing to be added to the egg before it is laid is the pigment, so since the wide end leaves first, maybe it got a little ahead of the pigment?
Has anyone experienced a mini molt at 9ish months? I think that's what is happening to one of my girls. Her tail is gone and so is a lot of her neck/head feathers and in there place is a whole bunch of pin feathers. There is no sign of pecking (the usual problem around here) and no sign of mites/lice/bugs. It's just weird because all of my birds got the once over almost 2 weeks ago and there was no sign of this on her then. I also handled them all the first night of the storm when I put jackets on them to protect from pecking while they were cooped up and I didn't notice it then either.

It's amazing how I seem to experience something new with my chickens every other week or so.

How was everyone's weekend?
Has anyone experienced a mini molt at 9ish months? I think that's what is happening to one of my girls. Her tail is gone and so is a lot of her neck/head feathers and in there place is a whole bunch of pin feathers. There is no sign of pecking (the usual problem around here) and no sign of mites/lice/bugs. It's just weird because all of my birds got the once over almost 2 weeks ago and there was no sign of this on her then. I also handled them all the first night of the storm when I put jackets on them to protect from pecking while they were cooped up and I didn't notice it then either.

It's amazing how I seem to experience something new with my chickens every other week or so. 

How was everyone's weekend?

My EEs did that. They did a few mini molts the first year. I was just happy they started laying in early January. :D
Had a productive Saturday. Got the management area cleaned up, the garbage barrel emptied, the plucker modified. Did some work on the wagon we use to haul things around and generally started getting ready for this weekend's chicken processing. We have 8 EE roosters and 4 Dom roosters to process. We will wait on the Turkey until the Saturday before Thanksgiving.

Talked to my brother who lives in VA via facebook. I asked him if they were ready for the storm, he said they put the garbage cans away...... He was sort of nonchalant about the whole thing. I hope his attitude doesn't backfire on him. From the latest storm projection maps, they will be right on the edge of the heavy stuff.

One of my cousins passed away on Saturday. she had cancer and when it decided to act, it did so quickly. Beth and I had a sober Sunday thinking about the whole cancer thing.

On a lighter note, we had a great time at dinner on Friday for our anniversary. Beth didn't eat much, and we went right home afterrwards because she was worn out, but it was still very nice. Thanks again BYC Colorado People!
So I was looking at the past postings om this thread, and began wondering where so many of the past posters have gone? Why don't they post any more? Do they not have chickens any more? Did they get bored? Just curious. I know that sometimes life jsut gets in the way of things, and people get out of the habit. Who knows.
I wondered whether Wendell and Beth had been able to make it out for their anniversary. A belated Happy Anniversary to you two.

Wendell, funny you should comment about the old posters. I wondered the same thing a couple of months ago, when I was directed to page 1 of the Colorado thread. So I searched a few of the posters. TSGreer, who started this thread, made 2 posts on the same day, and then seems to have just disappeared. The next poster, Chirpy, was active til just a few months ago, but not on the Colorado thread. The next poster, who I don't remember, hasn't been active since early 2011. Sometimes, I guess, life just gets into the way.

I know when I was working 12-17 hour days I would not have been able to get online enough to keep up.
I don't post often, I'm one of those that would prefer not to get in the way, but i try to read the thread every night. I get some good weather updates, and chicken knowledge and sometimes a good laugh.
I had also noticed that some of the original posters hadn't posted for a long time. For myself I know that when my husband is gone I have free time to write and be on here, and when he comes home we do projects and all that fun stuff so i don't have as much time. So we never really know when people are more busy, but we do see them when they have extra time again.
I'm still lurking and following along. Guess I'm just spending more time over on the Cochin thread. Anybody want some???

FYI - Here's a list of the members with the most posts on this thread:





Rock Home Isle




Coopa Cabana












Mtn Margie




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