Colored Egg Genetics in Roo


Sep 10, 2020
If I have a rooster that is Black Copper Maran dad and Easter Egger mom would he have the EE colored egg genetics? And what would happen if I bred him to an EE? Would the chicks have colored eggs?
Probably has olive egg genetics, a brown over blue cross. He could then supply a brown or blue gene to his offspring. Meaning it would all depend on what he was bred to.
If I have a rooster that is Black Copper Maran dad and Easter Egger mom would he have the EE colored egg genetics? And what would happen if I bred him to an EE? Would the chicks have colored eggs?
Most likely, if he was bred to an EE or a BCM their offspring would be pale greenish or light olive from an EE or dark olive from the BCM. There is a chance from either the eggs would simply be brown, and an even smaller chance (significantly unlikely) that the offspring from the EE would lay a pure blue egg.
In that case you may get blue or you may get olive, assuming the ee hens carry 2 copies of the blue gene. This is a very simplified answer, there are other factors but this will generally be the case.
Most likely, if he was bread to an EE or a BCM their offspring would be pale greenish or light olive from an EE or dark olive from the BCM. There is a chance from either the eggs would simply be brown, and an even smaller chance (significantly unlikely) that the offspring from the EE would lay a pure blue egg.
Thank you! I really want to get into colored egg layers.
I think sometimes we want the egg color genetics to be consolidated in to 1 set of chromosomes, which is simply not the case unfortunately.

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