colored eggs?


14 Years
May 16, 2008
North GA
So I went to the feed store today to get more feed and proceeded to tell them that the Araucanas that they sold me were actually EE's. I did this in a nice and joking manner because I'm not mad just disappointed, because I'm just getting brown eggs from them. I told them that I had 1 more chance to get a colored egg because not all of my hens have laid yet. (RIR and EE's mixed)
Well I went out to gather eggs for the second time today and I found a green egg...yea! I'm happy but still a little disappointed that out of 4 hens I'm getting 1 colored egg. I think they were ordered from McMurry and don't know how or why they can say they are Araucanas when they are not.

oh well....I will try again next spring.
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How old where they when they started to lay? I have the same and i was wondering how much longer i have to wait for them to start laying. Mine are 16 weeks old.
mine started around 21- 22 weeks and I'm still waiting on one more to lay. she is going on 25 wks., but everyone is different. good luck!

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