Combining two groups of chickens - I can't take the stress!!!

I read in the book, "Chickens, Mules, and Two Old Fools," that the best way is to put the extras in the hutch at night, cuddled up to the other chickens. In the morning, they are regarded as having been there the whole time. It's worth a try.

Mary Jo
It might be worth a try but try to get out there in the morning to see if help is needed. If it doesn't work, think about putting them in the coop separated by wire or in a cage.
Its really weird, I'm reading all these posts about how much of a struggle it is, I guess I lucked out. I just introduced four my 3 week olds to my fourteen 7 week olds and I haven't really seen any change. When things get too intense for the babies in the yard they do still come running for mama (aka Me LOL) But in the coop they are doing nicely. I do have two really nice birds that keep the ducks away from the new chicks which is nice, but I haven't had any blow outs yet in the yard or coop. It's more like chickens verses ducks in my back yard farm. LOL!

I'm having the same problem, I've had my pullets (2 mos old) living day/night in a dog kennel cage inside the chicken coop/run with my older hens for about one month. I try to let the new ones out to mingle with the older ones thinking they've been together long enough to get used to each other and they immediately get attacked by the older hens. Are they still too young to be out of the kennel? Should I wait until they are older, or should I let the older ones torment them, its very disturbing to watch, can only handle a few seconds of it and then I put the young ones back inside the cage.
Our babies just turned 8 weeks last Friday. About a week and a half ago, I started letting them out into the run with the big girls during the day. The week before that, they were in a dog kennel in the run with their heat lamp. I was still shutting them int the dog crate at night, until catching them became so difficult, I just let them go to the coop with the ladies. They really do fine. I've seen one of my big Rhode Island Reds tear a beakfull of feathers from a chick's back, but otherwise, the chicks are fast and don't get pecked or caught. They will dart in, steal a bit of food, shriek like they've been pecked (but they haven't, perhaps they are shouting in anticipation, or for the thrill of stealing food from a grown up), and then they dart off before they can get pecked. They are not even using the heat lamp at night, except 2 days ago when the babies played in the rain until they were soaked to the skin. Just cuddling in a nest box in the coop. They are integrating nicely. (Plus, we have 9 chicks and 5 chickens, so the babies outnumber the ladies).
It's really a funny thing, like this. I had 2 pullets raised together, and when a bigger coop was built we had to mix the two pullets (sugar and spice) into a foursome that has been together since hatch. Literally we thought we would have a problem with Spice who is kinda wierd about other chickens, but had no problem. Then we mixed two bantams (mumble and snow) into the 6 and some of the hens picked on the rooster and the other one but eventually they settled down. We tried to mix another hen in at one point but she just would have nothing to do with the others and would cut back into the vegetable garden to get home
Thanks Fiefs20 and DBerryhill!
Last night I put the 6 young hens up on the roost after all the older girls where up there. There was a bit of pecking by the closest of the older group, but after I left, they settled down. When I got up this morning to let them out, everyone seemed content. So far, fingers crossed...:fl they seem to be doing okay. There has been a little pecking, which I'm okay, but they seem to be hanging in two separate groups so far today. I guess we will see how it goes if we get any of the storms they are saying we are due this afternoon and they are all going to be in the coop together during daylight hours. lol
Thanks again!

Yay! That's great!! I'm glad you're having success :D
How come a pic of MY chickens is on this post on the home page? :confused: I guess I don't mind, but it's not even that great of a pic! ;) Just curious.

Ha! That's funny! Maybe backyard chickens just love that picture. I don't even see any pictures on this thread.
I'm so glad I found this thread! I've got my March 1st flock (6 chickens & 2 ducks) that I need to introduce to my 6 bantams that I bought as 3-day old chicks on April 24th & today I couldn't resist buying 2 Ameraucanas (2 weeks old) & 2 silver laced Wyandottes (1 month old). I'll be coming back to this multiple times for all the great tips & advice!
I'm having the same problem, I've had my pullets (2 mos old) living day/night in a dog kennel cage inside the chicken coop/run with my older hens for about one month. I try to let the new ones out to mingle with the older ones thinking they've been together long enough to get used to each other and they immediately get attacked by the older hens. Are they still too young to be out of the kennel? Should I wait until they are older, or should I let the older ones torment them, its very disturbing to watch, can only handle a few seconds of it and then I put the young ones back inside the cage.

Our babies just turned 8 weeks last Friday. About a week and a half ago, I started letting them out into the run with the big girls during the day. The week before that, they were in a dog kennel in the run with their heat lamp. I was still shutting them int the dog crate at night, until catching them became so difficult, I just let them go to the coop with the ladies. They really do fine. I've seen one of my big Rhode Island Reds tear a beakfull of feathers from a chick's back, but otherwise, the chicks are fast and don't get pecked or caught. They will dart in, steal a bit of food, shriek like they've been pecked (but they haven't, perhaps they are shouting in anticipation, or for the thrill of stealing food from a grown up), and then they dart off before they can get pecked. They are not even using the heat lamp at night, except 2 days ago when the babies played in the rain until they were soaked to the skin. Just cuddling in a nest box in the coop. They are integrating nicely. (Plus, we have 9 chicks and 5 chickens, so the babies outnumber the ladies).
Ii have 5 EE's and 2 Australorp(5-6 weeks old...I can't remember) that I 'm putting in a dog kennel at night, and they haven't ventured out of the coop and into the run, even though the door is open. Around mid day, my 14 week old birds will come in the coop and corner them for 30 minutes to an hour and then leave... Any ideas?

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