Coming aboard from Ben Lomond, CA


8 Years
Jan 7, 2016
Ben Lomond, California

Hi all you feathered-friend-loving folks!
I've finally made a profile after lurking around here for years! We started our flock last spring, although I'd been indulging in chicken dreams long before that. I appreciate all the great info on this site and spent hours looking at all the coop designs before getting our chicks.

We started with eight chicks of five different breeds: RIR, Buff Orpington, Easter Eggers, Silver-Laced Wyandotte and Brown Leghorn. Then our friend's co-worker, who'd bought chicks the same weekend we got ours, discovered she could only keep two, so our flock doubled overnight, adding a gang of Barred Rocks and two Black Australorps.

It has been great fun raising our gals and watching them grow--I just enjoy them SO much--it's hard to explain, but, of course, I don't need to explain it here, do I.

Hope to get a page posted about our coop soon.
Happy new year and happy chicken days to all!
The pic is of Racer, our Brown Leghorn, who is quite a character and very photogenic!
Hi :welcome Suzanne

Glad you could join the flock! Many of us were lurkers before joining, I was one too!! I have loved reading your intro and your pic of Racer is fab!! Wishing you the very best of luck in the future and enjoy BYC :frow
Hi Suzanneand welcome to our community- hope you enjoy it as much as the rest of us.

Hi Suzanne,

Racer certainly is a good looking bird! Make yourself at home here. If you have questions, want to share stories & pictures of your flock or want to participate in the discussions, feel free!
Thanks, she's one of our favorites!
Yes, Racer is actually a girl, although most people think she is a rooster when they see her because of that big red comb. She gives us a lovely white egg nearly every day.

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