"Coming of age" right before winter.....


May 7, 2015
First-time chicken raiser, here, so it's all new. I'm just wondering....

From what I understand, my chicks will hit "laying age" right around the end of September/beginning of October (hatched the first few days of May). We are in the Northeast. I'm wondering if my hens are going to start laying but only for a few weeks, and then stop until spring, or if they are going to not lay at all until spring, or if they are going to lay all winter because they got a late start. Or is it just going to be random and anybody's guess? They are BO's.
I had the same situation last year in the midwest. My hens started laying a couple weeks before snow. They laid most of the winter having some off days when it was especially chilly or dark. I think it depends on the hen and the situation though.
I got my feed store (hatchery) birds in May of last year and I was getting 5-6 eggs a day pretty much all through the winter. Buff orpingtons and Barred Rocks. I had a single led rope light set to come on at 6:30 am only because their coop only had a tiny window and I felt bad about them sitting in the dark until I let them out at 8:00 am. I'm in MA so have the same weather and light as you. From what I understand you usually get good rate of lay during their pullet year even in winter. More so from hatchery lines that are bred for production. We'll see what this winter brings.

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