Communal Nest Boxes

I had the same thing, a 30" box. One group of hens used it without problems. Then as the group changed they preferred the smaller box so I put a divider in the middle. One half of that is now the favorite. Different chickens like different things. I'd use what I have and see how it goes.
i thought my girls were weird... i have two nest boxes for my 6 girls, and all of them only use one... LOL... i never find eggs in the other box... i think i should just take it out the second box so they can have more room to stretch...

no, no. don't remove the second box, they will start laying on the floor...betcha.

ajsdkf;asjdfksjadfdsj... no way... HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA... chickens are so weird...
i have something close to this ( minus about 91 hens, so i guess i have plenty of room for more!
) but both ends are covered and each end on the front is covered the middle is open and i have a few plastic storage bins in there..a broody has also taken over everyones favorite nest... so she will be moving out tomorrow! they have started to use the 2 other nests in the meantime. 2 eggs in one, 1 in the other and i had to take a few eggs from the broody today, she was a little unhappy about it.
i will be building the lil mamma's hut in the afternoon and moving her in for her first night in the new place...if all goes well
DH has to work a double and it will be just me with the kids and tryin to build a hut w/ run with power tools while the kids nap is going to be fun and interesting!

i am very tired and on my way to bed...but the point of my story is that i really love our nest box setup! other than a few minor details to fix... i am always thinking of ways to improve the coop to make it better and easier for me and the chooks! thank goodness for BYC's!
so many great idea's from everyone. mahalo
We have a communal nesting box that is 40" long x 18" high x 18" deep and it works fine and dandy.They come in and sit,I can even hear them talk to each other,sounds funny.

Maybe I'll line it with newspapers so they will have something to read and gossip about.

Communal boxes work and I DONT HEAR any squabbling or see a back-up of birds.

Try it,what could it hurt?

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