Compile your chicken egg candling photos!

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The Happster

Apr 5, 2020
Cloud Nine
Ok, so I've got three eggs under a very determined broody. And as usual, I have been worrying.
It should be visible by now! That egg is too dark! That egg is too light! That egg is an egg!
We've all done it. Own up.

Searching through the internet, I wasn't able to find any very good candling photos.
Maybe any of you that have some photos could chip in and we could compile some?
Unfortunately, I can't take my own photos while candling because I use a flashlight, and I don't want to risk holding an egg, a flashlight and a phone at the same time.
But does anyone else have any?
Here's a chicken on day 15 I think, and 2 bobwhite quail on day 12.
That's great.
Do you use your phone for candling?
I was thinking about trying it rather than a flashlight.
Yeah I do. Mine is bright enough for most anything I'm hatching. I had a bit of trouble with the guinea eggs, but other than them it works well. It's brighter than any other flashlights I've been able to find, and I don't want to buy a candler. Already bought the phone, so, win win. Lol
The first pic was actually with a flashlight. I didn't like it as much though.
I'm going to try using the phone tonight then. I don't have a very good flashlight, and I can barely see anything. It's worth a try anyway.
My eggs are on day 10. Only one out of three are fertile. I have two roosters and seven hens shared between them 😡 Do your job! Thinking of getting some day olds to put under the hen when the other one hatches, cause I don't want the chick to be on its own. And of course this chick might not hatch and I still want my hen to raise some chicks.
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I'm going to try using the phone tonight then. I don't have a very good flashlight, and I can barely see anything. It's worth a try anyway.
My eggs are on day 10. Only one out of three are fertile. I have two roosters and seven hens shared between them 😡 Do your job! Thinking of getting some day olds to put under the hen when the other one hatches, cause I don't want the chick to be on its own. And of course this chick might not hatch and I still want my hen to raise some chicks.
I find that iPhone flashlights work the best, but I have a Samsung one that works pretty good too. Only 1 of 3? That's odd. Do your hens have a lot of butt fluff? Sometimes that can obstruct things and cause poor fertility.
Most of my hens are buff orps. Reasonably fluffy. But also I've noticed that my rooster chased the hens a lot, and I did hear hens choose their roosters...
My phone is a MI, haven't really used the flashlight much so don't know how good it is. It's still worth a try.
Maybe I just got unlucky with the eggs. They're definitely infertile, day 10 and completely clear, no blood ring either. I haven't taken them out yet but I intend to.
Used to having pretty high rates though. I usually get all hatching.
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