Complete Newbie from Eastern WA


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 22, 2011
Hi All! I am from Colbert, WA which is a few miles north of Spokane. I just got my baby chicks last week and am completely crazy about them!! I got an Aracauna, a Red Star, a Black Star, a White Crested Polish, a Barred Rock, A Rhode Island Red and an Andalusian. My little Polish had a little trouble with pasting up but I think she's out of the woods now. I am so excited to have found this site and have already gotten LOTS of helpful information. Thanks!
Welcome Colbertchick! That's quite a wide variety of chicks you have! Sound like my coop!
You might want to check out the Washington State thread, you can find people near you as well as learn about local swap meets and shows you can find the thread here

Good Luck!

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