Completly lost 2

Not bad considering all the trouble they gave you
Thanks. Still got 10 or so in the incubator. Im gonna give them until the morning.

Two of my rabbits kindled today as well. Both had 8 kits each. Its a blessed day
Final count. 37/53. Roughly 69% and a vast improvement from my first hatch of 46%. Now, what the heck am i to do with all these chicks?!?
Wow! Congrats!!
Congrats Oh dont tell me you are stpping now .My third hatch is due tomorrow Well 4th if you count my little turkey as one .Had 4 eggs But 3 were not fertile .Have another in 2 1/2 weeks .Fixing to fill a bator tomorrow or Tuesday and will have another to fill end of week .I think iI have it bad

Here is my little poult

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