Computer crashed and burned!!!!!!!!!


10 Years
Feb 12, 2009
Western North Carolina
Can't post caption photos. I'm on my son's computer....all my pics..........
will get it back up and running soon but for right now.......all I can do is just sit and stare.....
I'm sorry! Yesterday the Star Tribune website was hacked into and anyone who went to the website got a terrible virus!
My desk top crashed too! I need to bring it in and see if they can fix it for us.. All my pics and videos were on there!! Videos of my me'me that passed away this fall..
Always back up your files as soon as you put them on the computer! I learned that the hard way a few years ago when my hard drive crashed.

Anyway, my laptop died on me last week, so I feel your pain.
I dont know how to do any of that!
Or transfer it to dics to save or anything..... I'm hopeless..

I'm going to bring it in to those computer geek squad people..(is that the correct name for them?)
I'm hoping that if they cant save my computer..they can at least get my pics and videos off of the hard drive..

I wanted to put all my grandmothers videos on a disc for the family..but i never got around to it..because i didnt know how to do it... i hope its not too late now...
Mine hasn't crashed, but its poopy and I am angry about it. Going to take my other tower in and get it cleaned out and redone and see if that will work for awhile. I just need to bite the bullet and get a new one. I love them and hate them. Like my cell phone. I really hate them.
Back-Up your stuff guys! I have a wicked nice laptop and it crashed about six months ago. Lost nearly 1,000 photos... Reminds me i have to buy a new flash drive !

Sorry chickensioux , That aways stinks

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