Concerning bears and electrified poultry netting.....

I think it is cheaper than chain-link. It is sturdier than welded wire for sure and just the ticket for bear and moose. Only snakes, weasels, rats and mice could get thru it.

I have no digital pics of mine yet. I set corner posts first in holes around 18" deep. They are 6" creosote poles, like small power poles. I did a trench all around using a mason's line to get it really straight. Then I set my line posts at 10 ft centers along the inside edge of my trench of 4" X 4". They are 'T' posts. Then I stretched the 2 x 4 welded wire into place and fastened it only at corners. Then I installed 2" plastic insulators on the T posts and did some porcelain ones on the corner posts at 45 degree angle point to stretch hot wire around the corners. I used 6" X 1" stretch springs to keep hot wires taught. Pre-stretched them via 2 nails and a short 2x4 block, then pulled the nails out after each hot wire was stretched and fastened, and voila! The wires were tight and still are! Poured cement in trench all around locking bottom wire of fence into it all the way. No tunneling or climb-ins to this date.

Then I fastened the fence to the T-posts and installed the charger unit at the gate. Beforehand, I had run both power and water to site and had pulled a loop up out of that trench to where it was above ground where the gate was going to be. So that was my power tap for the gate. I installed an all-weather outlet on inside and made a miniature pay-phone type shelter for the other outlet and the charger on the gate postoutside the pen, using a pr treated 2x8 for a flat place to mount it. Works quite well and no preds yet. I did some leveling in places outside of pen and seeded it with grass. That is so that I can mow along outside of pen with my big riding mower so that weeds cannot ground the bottom hot wire. I did 4 courses of hot wire and a long copper ground rod at gate. I bonded fence to it also so that preds get full effect even after they are no longer on the ground but are climbing. I also electrified the gate and made 4 flexible links to splice it to hot wires. They are no more that the same wire wrapped about 5 times around a small pipe to form a coil that flexes as the gate operates. Gate mesh is also electrically bonded to the fence.

I put a 2 ft tall run of chicken wire all around the 190 fr perimeter inside to keep the chooks from sticking their heads through. Hardware cloth would be better though. Email me if you want further details. Will not have pics up until springtime. Do not even have digital camera and am completely ignorant of digital photo technology too, so,.... more to learn there. Am still a dinosaur stuck in 35 MM technology.
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Thanks Gsim!!
You have been very helpful. My DH likes your suggestions. Now we just have to wait for winter to end and all the snow to melt before we can begin. I'm thinking late April to early May.

I am so anxious to get started on my own coop. I built one for my Mom last year. I have a friend who is supplying me with a large number of shipping pallets and sheeting that would otherwise go to the landfill. I have also bought six windows at $10 each from the Habitat Re-store. So it looks like I will be able to make a coop with a low capital outlay leaving funds to make a really terific fence.

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