Confused - wry neck or impacted crop??


In the Brooder
Feb 6, 2015
My 5 week old wyandotte started about 2 days ago with her neck looking off center. At first I thought wry neck, then I thought maybe impacted crop, because her upper breast has a bulge. But the bulge is high up on her breast, closer to her neck and it is on her left side (I thought the crop was on her right side.) She is eating fine and doesn't seem lethargic. Everything seems normal except that her neck is shifted to the side and it feels like something bony is sticking out of her neck/breast. The way the impacted crop is described, it seems that it woud be further down and on the other side and not bony. It almost feels like something is dislocated around her "shoulder" or neck. She doesn't seem uncomfortable. I am going to take her to the vet, but trying to decide if I can wait for our vet which is closer (but all booked today and tomorrow) or if I should drive a distance to the next nearest vet.
I started her on vitamin E and will start with a vitamin I found called Life Lytes, which contains vitamins and electrolytes. Also, should I separate her and give her the vitamins only or should I put the vitamins in the water for all 4 chicks? I noticed alot of people mentioned poly-vi- sol. Would that better?
Sorry for all the questions. Just want to head something off before it gets worse.

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