~Consenia's Legacy~ A Magical Creature RP (Needs Players!!)

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    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • I don't like it/won't be joining

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  • I liked Consenia but I'm not cure about this...

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • To many RPs in G,J,&F already, but it's a good idea!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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7 Years
Sep 22, 2012
Half a century after the huge rebellion of Consenia, the great, emerald-green valley has risen from the ashes of its bloody past like the phoenixes that reside within it. Forests have regrown after the terrible fire decades ago, the peace has returned, and grudges have been forgotten...or most of them. The council has reformed, bursting with new members and inputs into the choices of the land.
Phonixes, were-creatures, gryphons, pegasi (pegasuses), and unicorns still roam the valley, the youngest still obvious to the past of their valley that had razed the ground beneath them.
But a new threat has arrived. A lone gryphon roams the land. Hatred still burns in hearts of some. The time of war has come again.
The question is, who will you join?

( Note: To those new to the Consenia story, here's the thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/721982/consenia-a-magical-creature-rp Please note this happens several generations into the future, and NO characters have been or can be carried over from that thread. You can, however, have your characters descendant(s). Hoping to see some new faces. :))

  • Consenia is a valley of peace and harmony between magical creatures. Here are the species of Consenia:
* Unicorns
* Pegasi (winged horses)
* Phoenixes
* Gryphons
* Were-animals (animals who can become people at will)
(Sorry, no dragons. There are tons of wonderful RPs with them already)
  • Consenia is ruled by a council with one of each animal to represent their species. Council members are first come first served, tell me if you want one that is not taken.
  • The council meets annually on the full moon and any time there is an emergency.
  • All council members must pledge to keep the peace of Consenia (If your charrie is a double-crosser PM me about it)
  • After a council member is killed or dies tell me if you want the spot. I WILL CHOOSE.
  • Consenia is surrounded by the Ballenmere mountains
  • The valley is densely wooded with every kind of tree you can imagine, in its center is the Penalsain lake.
  • You can RP any of the creatures above. Please don't use other species, though.

The New Rebels:
  • The new rebels are lead by Cadmus, a gryphon who is gathering creatures willing to overthrow the council. The group is small and weak now, but they hope of one day rising to power.
  • No meeting places have been decided yet. Rumors tell of a base starting to be set up on Lithenast, a towering mounatian also called Irassnie's sister.


Rules: (MUST read)
  • No cursing whatsoever
  • You may have as many characters as you want, just please don't let the number get out of control!
  • Magical creatures may not be banished from Consenia without the ENTIRE council's approval.
  • Nothing above a low PG-13 during fight scenes.
  • Characters are allowed to betray their sides, just PM me if they are someone important like a council member.
  • Character fighting is allowed (obviously) Here are the rules:
* One strike per post
* OTHER person decides the injury taken
* Your character may only dodge 1 out of every 4 blows. All other blows must have an injury taken that is at least as bad as a paper cut.
  • An animal's (were-animal's) magic abilities are the ones given and NO MORE.
  • You can have mates, however, nothing specific about their offspring being born or stuff.
  • Characters can only mate with their own species.
  • Be friendly and fair. I will settle all disputes that go on forever.
  • PM me about any issues
  • Have fun!!!

Animals and were-creatures you can RP:


Description: Looks like a horse with a horn but might have a beard (it's optional) Can be the size of a young deer to the size of a horse.
Lifespan: 100-500 years
Magic: Their horns can purify water. They have a connection to nature and I will let your charrie have one non-magic animal friend to help them. Their horns are good weapons too.
Coat Colors: Black, Brown, White, Palomino, Paint (large spots), Plant green, Rosy. (If you'd like a different color, ask me)
Character form for a unicorn:
Species: Unicorn
Coat Color:
Faction: [Side in war]
Animal friend:
Size: [think of an animal about that size]
Picture or description:


Description: Have the front half of an eagle and the back half of a lion. In this RP the front can be any kind of eagle of hawk and the back half can also be a panther. A bit smaller than a lion. Gryphons live in the mountains and have golden eggs and jewels that they guard, but in Consenia they know the valley is the greatest treasure of all.
Lifespan: 50-250 years
Magic: they can lift anything up to 100 pounds. Raptors will occasionally help them out to, but only if the sitiation is dire. Their screech can bring a rockslide if they are very high in the mountains.
Body Color: Any hawk or eagle in the front. A mountain loin, an african lion, or a panther in the back.
Character form for a Gryphon:
Species: Gryphon
Raptor front: [Hawk or Eagle]
Feline rear: [either lion or panther]
Faction: [Side in war]
Picture or Description:

Pegasi: (Winged Horses)

Description: A horse of any color with wings
Lifespan: 100-825 years
Magic: They are great friends with all birds and great navigators knowing the famous constallations at birth. Their wings are strong enough to support luggage. They can summon clouds to hide in while they fly.
Coat Color: Any horse color(s) with matching wings
Pegasus character form:
Species: Pegasus
Coat Color:
Faction: [Side in war]
Picture or description:


Descriptions: Flame colored birds with feathers that can be a mix of any shade of red, orange, and gold. They are immortal unless something other than age or disease kills them.
Lifespan: 1000+
Magic: Can burst into flames at will. Their song is entrancing but it requires several phoenixes to make their voices magic. They have good healing abilities (Can heal wounds that are less serious than a broken bone) and can heal other animals as well.
Feather color: Any shade of gold, red, or orange or a mix of them.
Phoenix character form:
Species: Phoenix
Faction: [Side in war]
Plumage (feather color):
Picture or description:


(Note: this is not a malicious werewolf RP, so keep it nice.)
Description: Any kind of non-magic animal that can turn into a human at will. Normally, they will have some clue that they are not entirely person like golden eyes for a were-fox.
Lifespan: Average human lifespan
Magic: Can turn into a human at will. As an animal they still have the thinking power and smarts of a person added to their natural instincts. Were-animals can carry swords, daggers, or bows while they are people. When they turn into an animal their weapon will sort of meld into them and reappear when they are people.
Were-creature character form:
Species: were-creature
Faction: [Side in war]
Human description or picture:
Animal description or picture:

PM me all character forms or post them here

Consenia's Council (New Generation):

~Unicorn~ Open
~Gryphon~ Aurum (FlamingChicken)
~Pegasus~ Open
~Phoenix~ Minerva (iluvorpingtons)
~Were-creature~ Celeb Sandalio (Mipuppy1)

The New Rebels:

~Leader~ Cadmus (iluvorpingtons)
~Second-in-Command~ Reserved

The new Consenia is waiting...


The Council of Consenia:

Name: Minerva
Species: Phoenix
Age: 587
Plumage: Red
Faction: Consenia
Personality: She is respectful of others when calm, but she can loose her temper quickly. Though wise, she tends to value strength and power over wisdom and rarely uses hers in combat. She wants to be a good leader despite her impulsive behavior.
History: She had a relatively pleasant background. Her parents were both well known by the council member at the time (Proceeded Incendia) and a few rumors surrounding her "election" by the council say they had a sway over the decision. Neverless, she has proved to be a good leader in times of peace.

Username: iluvorpingtons

Species: Gryphon
Raptor front: Golden Eagle
Feline rear: Panther
Faction: Council ;)
Personality:Quick tempered, he is very cold.
History: IWETL
Picture or Description:


Name: 'Wolf' Caleb Sandalio
Species: were-creature
Age: 18
Personality: He is very cold and is very rash, if you don't know him by is aura and rumors he is very dangerous. He is very arrogant.
History: TBR
Human description or picture:

Animal description or picture:

Consenian Creatures:

Name: Kate
Species: were-creature
Age: 18
Personality: Nice, can be cold and harsh, listens very carefully, doesn't speak very often
History: TBR
Human description or picture:

Animal description or picture:

Name: Diana
Species: were-fox
Age: 15
Faction: Consenia
Personality: She is a clever planner but weak compared to other creatures or were-animals on the battlefield. While not extremely wise, she depends on her natural planning.
History: Reynardia's grand-niece
Human description or picture: She is a little over the average weight for her age but can't be considered fat at all. Her dark brown hair is cut above the shoulders with uneven areas where it hasn't been trimmed. Her eyes greenish blue in color.
Animal description or picture:

Name: Hecate
Species: Unicorn
Age: 236
Coat Color: Chestnut
Faction: Consenia
Animal friend: A garden snake named Sundew
Size: [think of an animal about that size] A mustang
Personality: She is shy and skittish but still warm to close friends.
History: Pompona's grand-daughter
Picture or description: Her coat is deep chestnut with three white socks and a snip. Her horn is a shining gold that blazes like fire in the sunshine.

Name: 'Buttercup' Bella
Species: were-creature
Age: 16
Personality: Cheerful and bubbly very kind and sweet and has no fighting values what so ever. She has a very fragile body and is small for her age.
History: TBR
Human description or picture:

Animal description or picture:

Name: Europa
Species: Gryphon
Age: 108
Raptor front: [Hawk or Eagle] Eagle
Feline rear: [either lion or panther] Lion
Personality: She tries to be kind, but deep inside she is an ambitious gryphon who will do anything to achieve greatness. Still, she is caring to friends and supports Consenia.
History: She is actually Cadmus's sister, and the temperment of her grandfather is imprinted in her head.
Picture or Description:

Username: iluvorpingtons

Name: Endymion
Species: Unicorn
Age: 382
Coat Color: Piebald
Animal friend: A crow named Discord

Size: [think of an animal about that size] An arabian
Personality: He is a proud, boastful creature. He really has Consenia's concerns at heart and would do anything for his land, but he'll always say he fights much better than anyone else should they talk about it!
History: TBR
Picture or description: He is a stunning white stallion with a light brown patch on his back and one on his left hind leg. He has a splash of color on his forhead and his mane is brown streaked with white.
Username: iluvorpingtons

Name: Chalco
Species: Phoenix
Age: 467
Plumage (feather color): Coppery
Personality: He is very cautious about his actions. He never acts without thinking, even if there is no time to think. He hesitates to fight and will often flee in the face of danger.
History: TBR
Picture or description: He is a shimmery gold phoenix with a coppery sheen to most of his feathers. Streaks of orange and a red line his wings and crest, sticking out from rest of his feathers. His primaries are tipped with copper at the edge.

The New Rebels:

Name: Cadmus

Species: Gryphon
Age: 108
Raptor front: [Hawk or Eagle] Golden Eagle
Feline rear: [either lion or panther] Lion
Faction: Rebels
Personality: He is a seemingly cold and calm leader, but deep inside he does everything with a cautious edge and yearning for revenge. He speaks often but rarely values anyone else's suggestions unless they are someone close to him.
History: His grandfather was Aurum, and he still carries old grudges passed down from him.
Picture or Description:
(Don't let that smile fool you!
Username: iluvorpingtons

Name: Adrian
Species: were-creature
Age: 38
Personality: Cold, cruel, does his own thing (Only listens to Cadmus)
History: TBR
Human description or picture:

Animal description or picture:

Name: Andromeda
Species: Pegasus
Age: 103
Coat Color: White
Personality: She can seem distant at times. While cold and calculating in a fight, she can't really be described as cruel.
History: She is actually related to Dapple, but she cares very little about her ancestor's side in the past war and strives to follow her heart, however dark it is.
Picture or description:

Username: iluvorpingtons

ame: Urania
Species: Gryphon
Age: 102
Raptor front: [Hawk or Eagle] Golden Eagle (Sorry, I don't think the picture matches)
Feline rear: [either lion or panther] Lion
Faction: [Side in war] Rebels
Personality: She is actually a very cheerful creature who is still working on fighting. She never hated Consenia until Cadmus convinced her. She never really calms down, but it's hard to make her loose her temper. She is actually a little crazy and will do anything with an upbeat attitude. Likes Cadmus a lot.
History: Urania started out by trying to become representative for her species. When she was beaten badly, she maintained a cheerful demeanor and kept trying. It led to several attempts at usurping them. When she went too far with a trap that almost got him killed, she was nearly banished from Consenia. Urania met Cadmus a few months later and fell for him hard. Unable to go back to her old home without being distrusted, she joined his army.
Picture or Description:

Username: iluvorpingtons
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Name: Diana
Species: were-fox
Age: 15
Personality: She is a clever planner but weak compared to other creatures or were-animals on the battlefield. While not extremely wise, she depends on her natural planning.
History: Reynardia's grand-niece
Human description or picture: She is a little over the average weight for her age but can't be considered fat at all. Her dark brown hair is cut above the shoulders with uneven areas where it hasn't been trimmed. Her eyes greenish blue in color.
Animal description or picture:

Name: Hecate
Species: Unicorn
Age: 236
Coat Color: Chestnut
Animal friend: A garden snake named Sundew
Size: [think of an animal about that size] A mustang
Personality: She is shy and skittish but still warm to close friends.
History: Pompona's grand-daughter
Picture or description:
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Name: 'Wolf' Caleb Sandalio
Species: were-creature
Age: 18
Personality: He is very cold and is very rash, if you don't know him by is aura and rumors he is very dangerous. He is very arrogant.
History: TBR
Human description or picture:

Animal description or picture:
Name: Kate
Species: were-creature
Age: 18
Personality: Nice, can be cold and harsh, listens very carefully, doesn't speak very often
History: TBR
Human description or picture:

Animal description or picture:
Name: 'Buttercup' Bella
Species: were-creature
Age: 16
Personality: Cheerful and bubbly very kind and sweet and has no fighting values what so ever. She has a very fragile body and is small for her age.
History: TBR
Human description or picture:

Animal description or picture:

Name: Adrian
Species: were-creature
Age: 38
Personality: Cold, cruel, does his own thing (Only listens to Cadmus)
History: TBR
Human description or picture:

Animal description or picture:

(Not done with Adrian yet but hes on the rebal side)
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