Sponsored Post Considerations for Keeping a Rooster

Help! I have too many roosters! Got ten silkies at tractor supply and 6 of them ended up being males, we also have 10 red island red hens which are way prettier but that's besides the point, we have considered eating them but are not sure when to do it they are only about 4 months old, but they are very big but my husband and I don't have it in us to do it ourselves, we wouldn't mind paying someone to do it for us but we don't know anyone, we wouldn't mind giving them away either anyone have any ideas of how to find people in my community that could help?
I ended up with a rooster when my flock of 12 RIR chicks matured. I decided to keep him, despite it being against city ordinance (so far, no neighbor complaints or problems with The Law). I like having a rooster because he keeps the hens in line. I haven't had the hen-on-hen aggression I've experienced with rooster-less flocks, and I think its due to his heavy hand. They don't pick on each other and they're much friendlier than they would be without his dominant presence.
So I have six hens and I am planning on getting a young cockerel. He is about 3months old.. Will our hens pick on him since he is young. Is it better to get the rooster in the spring instead of this fall? Pls help thanks
Help! I have too many roosters! Got ten silkies at tractor supply and 6 of them ended up being males, we also have 10 red island red hens which are way prettier but that's besides the point, we have considered eating them but are not sure when to do it they are only about 4 months old, but they are very big but my husband and I don't have it in us to do it ourselves, we wouldn't mind paying someone to do it for us but we don't know anyone, we wouldn't mind giving them away either anyone have any ideas of how to find people in my community that could help?

Where are you located? It may help with suggestions.
My very limited rooster experience would say that he'll hold his own. My rooster was only about 22 weeks when he started jumping into a coop area with an older flock which includes a nasty Barred Rock hen. He promptly laid down the law and now I can't keep him out of there. He's close to full-size, so not a real young cockerel, but he doesn't have his spurs in yet.
Hi, I love my rooster. When I bought him he was 6mo. and I was worried about my girls. I had him in a cage near the girls so they could see him and then late one night I snuck him in through the nesting area and the next morning there was a little unease and then they were fine. Now he is grown and beautiful they adore him and preen his feathers.
Thank you for this information. I have a rooster by accident and I'm trying to figure out what, if anything, I should do about him. He is by far the most beautiful bird I own and I want to keep him. He came in a group of light brahmas I ordered so he is docile and actually quiet, so far. He has crowed but it sounds like he's under water. I'm sure it will get louder as he practices. As soon as I started suspecting he was male instead of female I began to pick him up and hand feed him when I went out to see them. He now comes up to me and enjoys the attention I give him. He is more docile than the barred rock hen I have but he is not FULLY mature yet. It is good to see the advice of separating the birds, I only have a small flock and I don't want my girls to be stressed.
I've had a variety of roosters through out the years and so far my EE roo has been my favorite. None of them (mine anyways) were ever the slightest bit agressive, one rooster my sister raised was though, buff orpinton. We don't tolerate agressive roosters.... They end up as chicken and dumplings... Lol currently I have true ameruacaunas and about 11 of the 21 straight run seem to be Roos... :/ good thing I have a "bachelor pad" for the boys ready and waiting for when they finish maturing lol they so far are really sweet and friendly birds :)
My avian vet said that one rooster for every 25 hens was the best. Otherwise the rooster can hurt the hens from too much attention and frustration.
I have about 20 free range chickens. Four of those are roosters. There is the occasional posturing, but no fighting. They also have five acres to spread out on.
I have three other roosters separated into different breeding groups. I do know that if the separated roosters attempted to rejoin the free ranging flock there would be fighting.

What I find interesting about having several roosters within the flock is the hen's preference. Most of the free ranging flock was raised in several different hatching broods and brought together as juveniles. As younger juveniles they bunched together into one large group. Now that they are a bit older, and nearing laying age (16-24 weeks/although squatting behavior has not yet been observed), the girls are starting to branch off and select their "favorite" rooster.

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