Considering geese

I knew my goose was above average!
I knew my goose was above average!

I have 3 African grey 3.5month olds. They are free ranging during the day and going into a little house coop at night for their protection.
I find them so friendly and talkative. Their names are Duck Duck Goose, mainly since we can barely tell the two bigger ones apart but we can spot the slightly smaller one easily. They do love water, and they love to poop! They also eat small palm trees..yes they do. I made the mistake of sitting their little pool near a small palm, they have denuded it of leaves and are now working on the stalks left.

I have a garden/goldfish pond. I thought the geese would use it and emptied if of koi. Never have they used it. They know it's there, they eat the grass around it. So far they prefer their little pool. They are very easy to herd back into their coop at night. Smart guys really. They love to come up to me when I'm outside and do their peep peeps at me, but it's probably cause I talk to them and they enjoy it. Not sure why anyone would not want geese :) The poop sprays down easily and soaks into the ground leaving just some small grass shavings on top. it's not particularly smelly unless you are in a enclosed space with it (ie the car on the way home..omg!) We toss hay on the ground in their coop and it needs to be cleaned out frequently, but makes good compost.

They have taught my dogs manners too. My blue heeler now takes a wide path around the geese.

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