Consistently Dirty Butt


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 18, 2014
I have 14 pullets that I got as day old chicks this spring, all seem to be generally healthy and have been laying. 8 leghorns, 3 silkies, a RIR, black sex link and a plymouth rock. All of them have 'clean butts' except the plymouth rock, which always seems to have a really dirty butt, it has been that way for a few weeks. All of the leghorns are nice and white and clean and I was expecting them all to be this way. Not sure if it is related but the plymouth rock is the only one that does not lay in the nesting boxes, she always seems to lay in the corner of the coop in the pine shavings. Should I be concerned or is there something I can do to get her to be cleaner?


Do you think that is it? Her poop looks similar to that of the other chickens.
Yes, I would start off by worming her. It certainly can't hurt to do that.

I have 6 hens and one has a mucky tail end too, even though I do worm all of them. I pick her up every few weeks and trim her fluffy butt feathers, to 'cut a path' for the poop to escape, if that makes sense.

A very wise person on these boards (can't remember who, but thank you for the excellent quote) once told me that chickens are either Teflon or Sandpaper back there! For some of them, the poop just falls out and away, sliding off the feathers. For others, it sticks like a clumpy mess!

Best wishes,


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