constructing a single chicken family unit for porch

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A black hen (Dominque x American Game) and barred bullstag (3/4 American Dominique and 1/4 American Game) have setup up house on front porch. Hen has already come of nest with between 13 and 15 chicks. Rooster has been trying to repel a subflock coming from cockyard as well as hens from another harem in same direction.

Real challenges have come from my 20 month old son Trueman. While I was out feeding birds in cockyard I saw Trueman come outside after sleeping in late. First thing he did was go after hen with chicks. She tried to repel Trueman even by flogging. Trueman stopped briefly then continued pursuit so hen too chicks into heavy cover where Trueman did not follow. Rooster was close by but did not intervene. Trueman is a tough little bugger to take flogging and keep on coming.

Pictures will follow.
Looking forward to "next" adventure..... VBG

Minimal hawk activity has been observed this breeding season. A pair of Red-Shouldered Hawks have a nest about 1/2 mile due south of cockyard and an American Kestrel has been hunting the apple orchard but neither species is a threat to my chickens. Over last few days I have been seeing young of year Red-Tailed and Coopers Hawks almost at random as I drive around but until this morning neither young or adults overflew my place with me present. Early this morning that changed with what appeared to be a female juvenile Red-Tailed Hawk lumbered over low and slow getting dive bombed by a family of Purple Martins. The Ralph (front porch rooster) gave the growl and ran promptly into the garage. Then hen with chicks was exposed and they simply froze in position as hawk flew over. Hen and chicks responded to rooster's call because they froze before hawk was in their line of sight. In all likelihood hawk did not see any chickens because of the harassment provided by Purple Martins. Normally the Bee Martins (aka Eastern Kingbirds) would have harassed hawk but they are not nesting on my property this year.
Over last couple days he has also figured out where some the hens have hidden nest out in field. He goes out, collects and egg, then comes running saying "ehg, ehg, daddy I got ehg". Makes me proud. He is either not so sharp around the hotwire or he can tell like dogs if it is hot or not.

This morning as we ate breakfast on front porch, the front porch flock was dust bathing and Trueman (our 21 month old son) watched them. Trueman then walked over in nothing but his diaper and sat down next to birds which quietly got up and walked away. Trueman is usually bad news for them. Trueman then laid down in dust and started throwing dust up on his self. That did not work to his satisfaction so he sat up to pick handfuls of dirt and dumped on his head dusting himself thoroughly. His mother then collected him and I gave the little squirt a proper shower. Shortly after he walked with clean bare feet into chicken coop after eggs. He does not yet understand concept that poop is nasty to step in.

This morning as we ate breakfast on front porch, the front porch flock was dust bathing and Trueman (our 21 month old son) watched them. Trueman then walked over in nothing but his diaper and sat down next to birds which quietly got up and walked away. Trueman is usually bad news for them. Trueman then laid down in dust and started throwing dust up on his self. That did not work to his satisfaction so he sat up to pick handfuls of dirt and dumped on his head dusting himself thoroughly. His mother then collected him and I gave the little squirt a proper shower. Shortly after he walked with clean bare feet into chicken coop after eggs. He does not yet understand concept that poop is nasty to step in.
He sounds like a young flock master, just learning the trade!!

Scott (wishing you a-lotta luck keeping up with him)
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