contemplating another drake

Mar 26, 2020
Southern Vermont
so I have 8 ducks, 7 hens and a drake, 3 pekin (including the drake) 2 Rouens, and 3 runners, the big drake situation is not ideal, but it works, as he has never had any competition he doesn't seem to be too rough, no one comes out the worse for wear and I only ever see him after the pekin hens and occasionally a Rouen in the pool. I am fascinated by dutch hook bills but feel that the breed should be kept pure and I am not sure I am prepared for dealing with the total separation of flocks that would require. further flock expansion I would prefer to be runners, as the 3 runner hens really are only seeming to mate with each other, I wondered about getting a runner drake, would the difference in size tend to solve problems itself or would it just create issues. I hate to disrupt what seems to be a fairly happy flock at the moment with no social issues, but really don't want to further my pekin holdings, I like them, but they have been plagued with health issues. also runner drakes are so handsome I got a straight run of 6 ducklings last march, one had an unfortunate ending, of the 5 only one was a drake so I consider myself extremely fortunate and don't want to tip the scales of fate...
I LOVE my runners, but I do have to admit that my drakes get pretty physical with my girls. Most of the hens are bleeding from the back of their head by the end of the summer romance season. My current ratio is seven hens to three drakes (one of whom was supposed to be a girl when I got sexed ducklings from my favorite breeder).

All sleep together at night and free range during the day. I am considering having the boys sleep in an adjacent "bunk house," just to give the girls a break. But yes, runner drakes are very handsome fellas!

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