Ended Contest #12 Celebrity Look alike Contest! 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

Evgeni Plushhenko, hummina hummina hummina.
I don't know if you remember his artistic skate routine to "Sex Bomb" but he even made my mom laugh at his parody of a strip routine on ice . It is been about ten years ago but it still gives me chills!
No... this was the first year I've ever heard of him! I thought he was great at the Olympics, really entertaining. In all honesty though, I don't see how he's a heart throb in Russia... but to each their own!
No... this was the first year I've ever heard of him! I thought he was great at the Olympics, really entertaining. In all honesty though, I don't see how he's a heart throb in Russia... but to each their own!

Well I am pretty sure it is the intensity of his eyes as well as his athletic form. I have never been a personal fan of the typical All-American look on guys. I recognize that they are handsome but having known way too many in my own life (like 90%) of the ones with this look were pure jerks, that particular look just doesn't hold any charm for me. Now for all I know Plushenko may be the Russian version of that but because that is not my personal experience (or rather lack of experience at all with someone of his non-American looks) I find him intriguing and exiting. I find I like his intense eyes and long nose. I have always had a weak spot for an elegant nose.

That duck's long bill does so echo that nose!

Lucille Ball and my sexlink rooster Twelve.

@Sally Sunshine , if you need the original version of the right picture please let me know! is my edit allowed?
will the eyes and lashes be considered 'props'? I hope so!
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Lucille Ball and my sexlink rooster Twelve.

@Sally Sunshine , if you need the original version of the right picture please let me know! is my edit allowed?
will the eyes and lashes be considered 'props'? I hope so!
I think your fine! its only a small edit as we suggested, well done!
Well I am pretty sure it is the intensity of his eyes as well as his athletic form. I have never been a personal fan of the typical All-American look on guys. I recognize that they are handsome but having known way too many in my own life (like 90%) of the ones with this look were pure jerks, that particular look just doesn't hold any charm for me. Now for all I know Plushenko may be the Russian version of that but because that is not my personal experience (or rather lack of experience at all with someone of his non-American looks) I find him intriguing and exiting. I find I like his intense eyes and long nose. I have always had a weak spot for an elegant nose.

That duck's long bill does so echo that nose!

The more I look at photos of him, the more I guess I see it. He IS kinda sexy!

I thought that either him or Owen Wilson. LOL

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