Ended Contest #3 Cutest Baby Fowl - 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong

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Marigold, my little Delaware, was sitting on my knee. She then hopped on my dog Sitka's back. I couldn't believe Sitka stayed there patiently while the little chick perched on her back.
My dog was sniffing a three week old chick and I set the chick on my dogs back and she hightailed it out of there like she'd been bit by a snake! Your dog must be a bit more tolerable. ;)
I have been following this contest just because there are SOO many cute babies on here and I noticed there are a lot of new members so I just wanted to Hi,


Marigold, my little Delaware, was sitting on my knee. She then hopped on my dog Sitka's back. I couldn't believe Sitka stayed there patiently while the little chick perched on her back.

Hey, look....they match!! I had a dog that matched a chicken too..we called them bookends and they were best buddies!

Molly the English Setter and her sidekick Tank, the Light Brahma.
I never noticed that before, they do have similar coloring. It really is a kick to see the mothering instinct kick in between a dog and chicken.

Thanks for sharing.
Fierce competition here....not that the babies are fierce, well, fiercely cute!
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