Ended Contest 5: Cutest Baby Fowl - 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch A Long

This is my little silver silkie chick, Pebbles
She looks like my Silver.
I think it could be xleghorn. It does have 5 toes though (photo mustve been a funny angle lol) but they look shinier like a leghorn.

A silkie that lays like a Leghorn?! Cross it back to a silkie i think that would bring back the silkie feathers but it could retain the laying abilities... You may have the makings of a whole new strain of silkies there... Idk if I'm right generically but that would be just about the coolest thing ever. My silkies already lay like champs when not broody but their egg size and number could be improved a little.

I hope it's a pullet so you can find out. :)
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