Ended Contest #6 Flapper Contest - 8th Annual Easter Hatch Along

Some of these are really good!

Heres my submission. My little Gertrude, my RIR in an action pose! Lol

That is so cute. Great shot with flower.
Well, there are some great entries, especially @prizepete' banty rooster on the post and @Pyxis' goose looking like its giving a hug, but hey, you can't win if you don't enter, so I'll give it a shot! Funny story about this picture:

After I let the chickens out for the morning, I saw 2 of the roosters flap their wings, but not Stephen, my Silver Laced Wyandotte rooster, so I focused the camera on him and followed him around the run waiting for him to flap. After waiting for 10 minutes I got a little annoyed and yelled, ''Just flap your stupid wings already!'' On the count of three! ''1, 2, 3!'' And he flapped when I said three. He looks pretty shaggy, the other roosters pick on him, but I am pretty happy with this pic!

Entry #1

Still waiting on 2.....
I have another I really like, but I had to crop it alot because the hen was in the very corner of the picture and so when I cropped it so much it made her look kinda fuzzy.....:p

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