contest!~BANTAM CHICKS~contest!

name: Ninja and Toast (Almost all the pictures I have are of them together, so I figured I'd just put both names)
age: 3 day
breed: Golden Laced Polish X Buff Orpington Bantams (may be a White Silkies and not a buff)
what is it doing in the picture: Hatching



what is it doing in the picture: Ninja is standing beside their adoptive momma
are they twins?! in the pic it looks like they came out of the same egg

Haha, nope. Right after Ninja started to wobble around, s/he found his/her way to Toast and laid down beside the egg. :)
are they twins?! in the pic it looks like they came out of the same egg

Haha, nope. Right after Ninja started to wobble around, s/he found his/her way to Toast and laid down beside the egg. :)

haha i feel stupid now lol
name~ Hurley
age~ 1 1/2 weeks old
breed~ millie fleur d'Uccle
what is she doing in the picture?~ being adorably cheeky

name~ Doll
age~ 6 days old
breed~ porcelain d'Uccle
What is she doing in the picture?~ Glaring at me to get the camera out of her face


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