CONTEST SUGGESTION - Best article doing a forensic review of your entire setup


May 2, 2020
Central PA
There are so many wonderful build threads, but there is a drawback. Most of them show what people did when its all brand new. I would really enjoy reading articles that walk us ... in detail.... through builds at 5 years and 10 years of use. Show us what worked out, what didn't, what you decided to change. What needs to be redone and what is still going strong?
There are so many wonderful build threads, but there is a drawback. Most of them show what people did when its all brand new. I would really enjoy reading articles that walk us ... in detail.... through builds at 5 years and 10 years of use. Show us what worked out, what didn't, what you decided to change. What needs to be redone and what is still going strong?
Everyone's coops always seem so clean that I'm always embarrased to post pics of mine. It's like social media where you only see the good of someones life and they leave the bad and the ugly out.

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