Conure behavior

My sun conure became obsessed with her ‘snuggler’ felt hideaway in the same way. It was to the point where she would lay eggs and get egg bound when we put it back in for her. Unfortunately she had to go years without it due to this romantic obsession. She just passed this year at 15 years old of a fast unknown illness 😢
I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sure she was a wonderful companion. I know the condolences do not soften the loss, but I appreciate that you've shared your story here.
If you have any pictures or stories of your bird and would like to share, feel free fo.
Thank you for the advice and warning. If he does start behaving in a potentially negative way, what stepson should I take regarding it? Do I remove his Cozy Corner?

As for the danger presented to my budgies, I know it's a risk. I don't let them out together without supervision, and they are caged separately. This doesn't guarantee safety, but they seem alright for the time being.

Your options very much depend on your bird and the type of behaviors you are seeing. Conures are highly intelligent and so I would recommend you prefix any action with a question - now how would I feel if this were me? and how would I approach this for a child? (because lets be honest - they are birds with bird tendencies but they're also very like children in the way they act yes?)

If he acts defensive and protective of a single object or person then simply removing that object may cause more issues than it fixes. Imagine if someone took away your most treasured person .. you might pine, you might act angrily towards the "thief", you might go looking for a new treasured person (but do you have one available?).

With my rescue conure we found that separation was NOT the way to go so I had to engage in some "transference" and "redirection" of that affection. I arranged for him to spend some time with another rescue bird that was bigger than him, so there could be no bullying, and the bigger bird was of a calmer disposition which helped to reduce the "outbursts". Over time, he worked out that when I was gone, the Galah stayed. And when the Galah left, I was there. He no longer had a "single" thing to obsess over and he always had at least one source of company and affection so he no longer needed to act out with "separation anxiety".

So for you, I'd suggest giving him "more" options rather than less. Play time with the budgies is FANTASTIC "but" if he gets a little too domineering or uses his size and energy to overpower them, then perhaps consider upsizing his companion. Could you not get him a wee girl conure??? :love
I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sure she was a wonderful companion. I know the condolences do not soften the loss, but I appreciate that you've shared your story here.
If you have any pictures or stories of your bird and would like to share, feel free fo.
Thank you, it is hard. They live so long with so few signs of aging that they seem immortal. I haven't looked at pictures again yet, but I think I will soon. The house sure is quiet without a sun conure!

You know you have a conure when your neighbors can determine your indoor bird's mood... :idunno
My conure Monty recently started trying to mate with his Cozy Corner.
It's probably normal, but is there anything I should do?

This behaviour will likely lead to aggression towards you, protecting his 'mate'. What does his cozy corner look like? I don't like giving my birds 'hidey holes' that imitate nests, as naturally hormonal enough in Spring without giving them somewhere to nest.

I think your response to this behaviour really depends on what you want for your conure. If you're okay with him bonding with a budgie and wanting to breed (he wouldn't be able to, but he doesn't know that), let him, but be aware that he will likely become less friendly towards humans and probably show aggression. On the other hand, if you want him to be a human companion, it's probably time you phase out anything that looks dark and cozy and remotely like a nesting site.
This behaviour will likely lead to aggression towards you, protecting his 'mate'. What does his cozy corner look like? I don't like giving my birds 'hidey holes' that imitate nests, as naturally hormonal enough in Spring without giving them somewhere to nest.

I think your response to this behaviour really depends on what you want for your conure. If you're okay with him bonding with a budgie and wanting to breed (he wouldn't be able to, but he doesn't know that), let him, but be aware that he will likely become less friendly towards humans and probably show aggression. On the other hand, if you want him to be a human companion, it's probably time you phase out anything that looks dark and cozy and remotely like a nesting site.
Thank you for this reply. Very helpful and informative. He has only been frisky with his Cozy Corner a couple times. It's a cushioned fleece that attaches near a perch for cuddling/preening. It is not like a hut.
He is never around the budgies without supervision, and they are caged separately.
Today has been a monumental one. It seems as if his fear of hands has finally lessened.
He'd already been comfortable stepping up on my arm IF I have a sleeve, but he's always been terrified of hands. (The breeder was grabby.) Yesterday, he stepped up onto my hand. Today, I gave him his first scritches. (He'd always fled or bitten me when I'd attempted before.) Feels like a big victory.

Going to continue to do my best and will seek advice as needed.

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