converting baby crib to a coop!


10 Years
Sep 22, 2009
Anyone tried this before? Our crib is well used after two boys and now in garage. I think it would make a good chicken coop with little work.
Sounds great - post pictures when done - cribs are cheap at yard sales - I'm thinking hit the sales = more chickens
Remember cribs are not generally made to be left out in the weather; thus any parts made of mdf will disintegrate and joints in real wood will tend to fail. By the time you put plywood on the outside to weather- and predatorproof it (do not trust the strength of the crib bars alone, against like a dog or determined raccoon), and all that, I do not think you would be saving yourself much in the way of time or materials over just building from scratch.

So, I mean, you can do it, but I am not sure it is the most effective thing to do.

People use old cribs as *brooders* sometimes, that works well... just put in a solid floor instead of the mattress, use mesh or screen or plywood over the barred walls, and make a hard or mesh top for it, and presto.

Good luck, have fun,

Pat, who has an eye on the 2 yr old's crib for a brooder conversion when he gets his own room which will be Real Soon Now
OK, I have thought of doing this, too. But when I mention it to anyone in my house they all looked shocked/horrified, but I still think it is a really great idea---especially if is still has its wheels as you would have an instant "mobile coop?"

Please post pictures when you are done! I would love to see it.
Of course they are gonna be shocked!!!....they dont understand chickens...but soon it will happen, they have to see it done first...Ive seen coops out of empty dryers..they take the door off....out of campers...


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