Cool Colored Eggs???

Then they're not Araucanas
Araucanas lay BLUE eggs. You've got "Easter Egger" chickens.

Let me try to take this in. Still trying to learn colors.

Araucanas lay ONLY blue eggs?
Americaunas lay green and blue or blue/green?
Easter Eggers can lay just about anything?

Thank you

Araucanas and Ameraucanas lay blue eggs. Green is really light brown over blue. Easter eggers are chickens that do not meet the standard for Araucanas or Ameraucanas, but usually lay green/blue, but sometimes pink eggs

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EEBLACK - There are only two colors for the egg shell itself (white and blue.) All chicken eggs are one of those with a color "painted" on to produce the color seen. White eggs end up white, pink, tan, brown, terra cotta, chocolate brown and everything in between those. Blue eggs end up blue (any shade) or green (any shade.) If you break an egg the true shell color will be on the inside of the shell.
my auracanas just started laying green eggs and it is so exciting to me to get to pick up different colored eggs every day

the olive eggs are so neat, love it!!

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