coon Attack

Oh. My. Word. Amazing. Truly amazing. Out of morbid curiosity, I read all the comments on the article. I don't get it. I know there are animal lovers out there. I consider myself one of them, but if it came down to a wild animal that I was calling a "pet" or my grandchild? The animal would be dead in a heartbeat. Not a question. Heck, if it came down to my dog or a child, the child would come first then, too. My nephew had a pet raccoon for a while - until he went to feed her one day, and she bit him. It was unprovoked, and unexpected. It was put down and tested for rabies. Fortunately, it was negative, but it had to be done. Wild animals belong in the wild. They're unpredictable. They were not meant to be pets.
Why would that woman would have a wild animal(It's still wild no matter how tame it seems)in the same area as her week old baby?Some people are true idiots!They should be held accountable for there dum--ss attack
Gross negligence as caretakers for the poor baby.

Yet another example of "you can't fix stupid."

I wouldn't even let my CAT stay in the same room as a helpless infant.

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