Coop Advice


Sep 24, 2015
Hello All!

As I finish enclosing my duck yard, I needed a little advice on Coops. I know how to build them and I know what design i am leaning towards but I just need a bit of guidance. Since these coops will be within the enclosed yard, predator protection is not an issue.

Do all the duckies need is an enclosed space to feel safe? They will have food and water in the run so I was thinking about building a small enclosed space (with bedding) for them to go into to...lay eggs? or just feel better with a roof over there heads? or?

Some farms I have visited just have a run and no real coop, is this ok? I would think the ducks might like somewhere to hang there bills and put up there feet at night. Not that it ever gets too cold here but I could even provide some heat if it gets really cold.

Does having a coop vs not affect egg production?

Not having a coop may not affect egg production, but it will affect how clean the eggs are. Where ever you live I think its better for them to have a coop for shelter if they want it.

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