Coop almost finished


8 Years
May 24, 2011
I haven't created an official coop page yet for entry, but put some photos of my almost complete coop up on my page today.
I would love any feedback!! Thanks
That is totally adorable!! How many chickens will it house? I couldn't read the fine print on the blueprint but am wondering what the enclosed run under the coop is made of? Very interesting design! The only thing your chickens don't have is running water (yet?!).
I have 3 ladies. The run is made from 2x4s and covered in hardware cloth with a 9" apron of hardware cloth as well. Thanks!!
Oh, and no running water, but a great nipple style waterer made from a "Simply Orange Juice" bottle thanks to another member. I'm just hoping that it's high enough for my girls when they are grown. Will they adapt to ducking down a bit to drink from it? They actually do duck a bit to drink from the little one in their brooder right now.
I have 3 ladies. The run is made from 2x4s and covered in hardware cloth with a 9" apron of hardware cloth as well. Thanks!!
Oh, and no running water, but a great nipple style waterer made from a "Simply Orange Juice" bottle thanks to another member. I'm just hoping that it's high enough for my girls when they are grown. Will they adapt to ducking down a bit to drink from it? They actually do duck a bit to drink from the little one in their brooder right now.

Cool! They'll adapt if it's not the ideal height. You'll know if they're not drinking enough. Keep the pics coming!
I had my doubts at first but no more. Very neat
If it's too low you can raise it taller by attaching a 2x6 frame on edge to the underside of the base board. Are you going to add wheels?
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At this point, no wheels are in the plan. I think it would mess up my predator proofing a bit, plus this thing is SUPER heavy. I think I will resort to raking out the run and only moving it twice a year - closer to the house for winter and back to the back of the yard for spring. A 4 wheeler is going to be our best bet for dragging it. Im amazed at how much weight the roof (3/4" ply) and asphalt shingles added!

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