Coop and roost question


9 Years
Sep 17, 2010
Background - I have just bought a new hosue nd it has a timber house that looks like a small shed but i think was a childs playhouse. It has two windows and a door and stands on a concrete block.

The question - Would I be able use wire to predator proof the windows, and secure the door so the chickens can roost in there? Also would I be able to get a run to attach the the side for them?

SOrry if this is a daft question

Soozie x
Sounds like a great plan to me!!!

Do a search for coop pics here on the board and you will see many playhouse renovations!
I used my old 8 x 6ft garden shed and adapted that to keep preditors out. I sounds like a great plan all i did was leave the window in the side and mesh over it on the inside and attached a 15 sqre metre run with a mesh roof on.

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