Coop exhaust fan help?

Just know that the dander from
Chickens will bung up the electric housing of a bathroom fan . We bought an agricultural fan with enclosed housing, best purchase we’ve made. Used it in the barn , coop and we blow out the blades and it keeps on going .

Just be careful you could start a fire or just burn out a house fan
thanks, the one I'm looking at is for barns and has en closed motor:)
I’m looking for a solar exhaust fan for the coop but I want it to not be a computer type fan and be dust proof and water proof and I’m finding nothing
I’ve looked at dog and horse trailer fans attic fans and bathroom fans
I’m finding fans that fit one or two of those qualities but not all

It likely does not matter which side you put the fan. I would go with the prevailing wind direction.

I hope it helps!
So this product looks really cool. I actually love the idea of a solar fan, and initially that's exactly what I was looking for. Have you purchases this product? I can't find prices or anything...thanks!

Nope, haven't bought one. Was actually looking into these to mount in the house to keep moisture down.
And that can be a fire hazard.
It's best to put the fan on the shadiest side of coop(usually the east side) and blow air into the coop. That will bring cooler air in to push the hotter air(and dust) out the windows and vents and fan will stay much cleaner.
Glad you brought that up. It makes sense that the dust won’t cake up. It’s been so hot this weekend. A friend of mine told me that we have chicken condominiums but that I need to “live a little” and not worry so much about the birds... I double and triple check everything. The heat lamp made me nervous. Now the fan is something to think about. The fan I have is fairly new.. it 19” steel fan from tsc( much cheaper than a HD agricultural fan). Since the post I’m seeing how quickly this dust is building up. Any post that makes a chicken keeper stop and think... is a great post!
Much appreciated!!!
We got concerned with it being so hot here lately that hubby put a sheet up to block the sun on the side and a window circulating fan at the to of the run so our gals could stay cool. It doesn’t look pretty but at least the girls are not overheating.


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Well I turned the fan around and blew the cool air in. My fan is on the east side of the coop under the 2’eave, near trees so it’s cool. The dust was blowing through the vents and the doors as well. It looked like it was snowing. It doesn’t work for me! The fan is being removed and i’m adding more ventilation on the east side of my coop. I’m going to weld and hardware clothe a huge opening. Then I’ll frame out 2 doors (air tight as possible for the winter) . There has been a ton of dust on this fan and quite frankly, I can’t worry about a fire. I think more ventilation is the way to go. I’m just curious if I can leave the opening open for the winter with out it being too drafty. I’m debating on closing up the south side door which would entail adding hardware cloth and steel, leaving the existing door on in case I want to close it , and adding a 2 foot door on the west side of the coop. Any feedback?
^Please disregard the question. It doesn’t belong here. I’ll move it to a new post. I wasn’t looking to change the topic of your post. I apologize if it seemed that way.

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