Coop for mallards


Mar 30, 2020
Someone gave me baby mallards they ordered online. I’ve been raising them in a big dog crate in my garage. I let them walk around my yard with my dogs and I let them swim in my bathtub. My plan is to let them fly away and come back whenever they want but until they can start to fly I want to move them outside so my garage doesn’t stink. I tried putting them in with my chickens but the chickens weren’t having it. Will they be ok if I just get them a standard coop from tractors supply and keep it in my fenced in yard. I do get the occasional fox and raccoon and I did have an issue with hawks with my chickens when I let them free range. Just wondering what my best option would be. Thanks.
Domestic mallards are also required to be tagged in some way. Usually the back toe is clipped off when they first hatch. The domestic mallards don't have the same migratory instincts anymore. They don't want them breeding with wild populations and potentially effecting their migratory patterns. If they are found in the wild and have the toe clipped, they are likely going to be euthanized. They also want wild mallards to stay wild and not become too familiar to humans, which domesticated mallards could potentially teach wild mallards.

I agree if you don't plan on keeping them, you should rehome them.

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