Coop from old shed?

I love Floppy! That comb is priceless! What type of chickens are they? I imagine it won't be long before you are getting eggs. We're still waiting but should happen anytime!
Looking forward to pics of you coop...
I have 6 brown leghorns. Leghorns are not the most friendly birds. They are very flighty....any sudden move and they squawk and fly all over the place! I always speak softly to them and they seem to respond. When I took a lawn chair into their run the other day, they would walk right up to me and peck at my shoes. I need to clean the coop again tomorrow, so I'll take some pictures of the coop.

How old are your gals? Mine are starting 20 weeks, so should be laying soon.
We have a batch that are 15 weeks and a smaller batch that are about 19 weeks...should be anytime!
We had 1 brown leghorn who turned out to be a cockerel so he was given away. He was exactly as you described! He was the most aggressive bird in the flock and I have a feeling he would have turned into quite a handful!
We have a bunch of different breeds including Buff Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, Easter Eggers, Salmon Favorelles, and GL Wyandottes. We wanted to get a few different breeds to help us figure out which ones worked out best for us!
Oh, I want some easter eggers and wyandottes! We will probably add a few next spring. My hubby won't eat any egg that doesn't have a white shell (go figure!), but I told him I would eat the other colors. The wyandottes are just beautiful birds

It RAINED all morning...about half an inch. Of course, we always welcome rain for our cattle and hay crops. We have between 90-100 head of cattle that have to be fed. I had to clean the coop, so after it stopped raining, I went out and scooped the poop deck and moved the pine chips around on the floor. I also refilled the feeder. Then I went in and got my camera and some meal worm treats. I took pictures of the inside, then a couple of the outside. We still need to do some paint work on the outside (the other two walls and some trim) and clean up the mess. I hope the weather will stay cooler (lower 90's) this week so I can finish up. Here are the pictures:

The trim will be the same color as the gate on the rafters and around the door. The first pic shows the two nesting boxes I made using a frame and two black, five/gal buckets. This can be expanded if needed. Our house and my quilting shed are the same color as the coop and the storage shed, which has a corner visible above, is similar in color. Just noticed our black kitten got in that picture!
It looks great- both inside and out! Your girls will be super comfortable and well protected! You're in Texas? You have a whole set of things to protect your birds against that I don't have to worry about! I am so glad not to have to deal with snakes!! Our challenges are really only Coyotes and hawks/ eagles.
Isn't that funny about only eating white eggs! I hadn't realized it but there seems to be a lot of people that feel that way!
It's raining in Central Alberta too. Managed to get about half of our barley combined yesterday but still lots of hay, canola and corn silage for my husband and brother-in-laws to do. We love the rain as well, any other time of year! Its funny that 'cooler' for you is low 90s!! It rarely gets that hot here. I have the heater on in the greenhouse because the next three days are going to be close to freezing. This time of year, we can expect snow anytime but here's hoping for a nice September/ October before it snows too much.
We are actually in Oklahoma, but only 3 miles from the Red River and on a little curve of land that "hangs down into Texas". We are not far from Lake Texoma and the surrounding area is nicknamed "Texomaland".

Hubby went out to bring in the dog and close the pop door for the chickens and the dog was barking like crazy. When he let the dog out, she immediately ran to the outdoor light pole. He came in and told me to come out and see something funny! There, on the very top of the light pole, was a racoon! I tried to take a picture of it, but it is hard to see because of the light on the light pole. It has been hanging around for several days, so hubby may have to shoot it. He has tried to scare it away, but it comes back. I'm glad we used hardware cloth on the run!
Hubby heard the dog barking and saw the coon out under the pear tree. However, when he stepped out with his gun, it ran under the pickup, then out in the pasture. He couldn't get a good shot. He is out to get it mercy! Scooter 147, you are absolutely right. Should have shot it the first time. It knows the dog is penned. Last night, hubby let the dog out and that's when the coon ran up the light pole.

We have a game camera pointing at the chicken coop and run. I have it set for PM, but I may need to set it for 24 hr. That way I could turn it off during the day and on at night....or maybe just leave it on, LOL.

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