Coop in Barn or Outside?


7 Years
Mar 13, 2013
We currently house our 10 chickens (soon to be 25) in one of our horse stalls in our barn. It's been very convenient with electricity and water right there. However, on the other side of our barn is my shop and the dust created by the chickens is quite a lot as you probably already know.

We've got a 12x16 shed that we've contemplated turning into a coop and placing in our pasture. Downside would be getting to and from it during the winter. Not sure if there's a question involved, but thought I'd see what others thought and if any of you have a coop in a barn or if dust is an issue?
Good morning cibula11. We brood our chicks in a heated room off the garage and I repair sewing machines (hobby) in the same room. I have to keep the machines and tools covered to prevent dust contamination even at this early stage. When we move them to their shed we, like you, have to tromp out in the snow but probably not as often. The fact is chickens are dusty, will ruin your shop machinery over time, and need to be moved to a permanent home. Snowshoes:)? For you, not the chickens.
Yeah that's what I figured. We've had our chickens in our barn for 3 years, and it;s been great, but since we have a coop to use with a little modification, I think we may just go that route.
Yeah that's what I figured. We've had our chickens in our barn for 3 years, and it;s been great, but since we have a coop to use with a little modification, I think we may just go that route.
Could you move the coop up by the barn? Easier said than done, but it'll be easier in the winter and not so easy for the critters out there at night.

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