Coop is ready! Woo hoo!


6 Years
Mar 11, 2013
Finally! After snow last night, the temperature today was a balmy 55. Go figure, Missouri weather! Spring really will start tomorrow, so the chicks will go out.

There are some issues with my coop. We will continue to tweak it as we go. BUT I LOVE MY COOP!

We will put window boxes on this soon!

Their Egg Door!

that is my house in the background

The back double doors for easy cleaning.

The barn door!

I'm using straw for now since it is plentiful here, but I'm thinking of going to sand. Just need to make a ledge to keep it in.

Before I knew to tell the guys to put the nest boxes below the roost, they already had it done. My solution is to make curtains! The top part is to block the top of the boxes. These are made from old coffee bags that I've been storing for years. I tied little bows to keep them closed for now. When they get closer to nesting age and have learned not to roost in their boxes, I will untie it for them to lay eggs in privacy!

The rope is where I will hang the feeder tomorrow.

The house that you see in the background is the house that our inlaws are building on our property. They will benefit from the eggs too, and will help me out when we are on vacation.

The nest boxes

The view from our bedroom. I'm sure I will be looking out this window all night tomorrow night!

The dog run will be converted over the next few days while the chickies get used to their new home.


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