coop/run plans


12 Years
Jun 3, 2009

Can anyone suggest a simple plan (no building experience) for a coop and run? There are a bunch on the internet to pick from and although I am willing to purchase a plan, it has to be easy to build and have detailed instructions. I am looking to house 5 or 6 hens.


I'll bet you can figure it out for yourself if you look through the coop pages here. Probably the easiest, and most convenient, would be a simple 8'X8' shed type building with a slanted roof, say 6.5' tall at one end and 8' tall at the other. That will hold more than 6 hens, but it gives you room for inside storage.

What is your climate? In hot climates, people build more open air coops, as chickens tolerate cold better than heat. There are hot weather coop designs on here, too.

You will need to decide about insulation, electric and water, too. See what appeals in the coop section.

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