Coop Site Questions


In the Brooder
Apr 15, 2018
Central Illinois
The place I am considering building my coop and run is a small section of the yard that is up against the neighbor's (my parents) garage. It is a very overgrown area that grows those "weed trees". Last fall I cut them down to the ground, but they will come right back up I figure. Has anybody had any experience with this kind of situation?
The place I am considering building my coop and run is a small section of the yard that is up against the neighbor's (my parents) garage. It is a very overgrown area that grows those "weed trees". Last fall I cut them down to the ground, but they will come right back up I figure. Has anybody had any experience with this kind of situation?
How big were they...trunk diameter?
Birds might keep any sprouts from growing......but only if they can reach them.
I would not build too close to another structure, unless you actually use one of the existing structures walls...both need maintenance so leave space for that.
They ranged anywhere from 1" to a couple being a good 4-5" in diameter. Right now they are level with the ground. I might try something I read and then use some household paint over the exposed part of the stump.
Best thing to do would be clip off any suckers that pop up asap...
....unless you want to use chemicals.
Do the trees look something like this, and do the branches stink when they are broken and the inner pulp is exposed?

Do the trees look something like this, and do the branches stink when they are broken and the inner pulp is exposed?


That is an accurate reprensentation of what I have seen out there. Maybe a few other kinds as well. Some viney crap as well. Every so often this 1/2" thick vine grows from the ground and has tons and tons of black thorns on it. Scary looking, and what a pain to get rid of.
That is an accurate reprensentation of what I have seen out there. Maybe a few other kinds as well. Some viney crap as well. Every so often this 1/2" thick vine grows from the ground and has tons and tons of black thorns on it. Scary looking, and what a pain to get rid of.

Tree of heaven (that's what it's called) is pretty easy to kill off. Just have to be persistent to knock over the new soft shoots as they come up. Eventually it will die off. I doubt the chickens will eat it.
Tree of Heaven is invasive; might be better off using some herbicide to kill them off before building over/around them. I think you can get a solution from any garden center that goes on with a brush over the fresh cut and it will kill it in a few weeks.
Before deciding on a final place for you coop, think about electricity. You are in an area with freezing winter weather. If you hope to put in a heated electric water system you need to be within a reasonable distance from a power outlet for an extension cord unless you are going to run electricity to the coop itself. I was not thinking about that when I chose the site for my coop. Thankfully the power I needed was close by. I was lucky.

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