coop size for orpingtons

Jessica, I have bbs Orpingtons. Look under my picture on the left, and click "BYC Page". You might find some useful information there.
BTW, Orpingtons are large chickens and do best with a nest that's 16" x 16", but mine are about 15" x 15" with no problem.
How tall are hens? How tall does my nesting box need to be in other words. Thanks so much for the input/info! Jessica
Hello it is me again! So, I'm rethinking chicken breed because of their size..... any suggestions for a smaller but very friendly chicken. I want some friendly laying hens. Thanks! Jessica
from VT
It is always good to see new members. I hope you enjoy the forum very much, and your new birds also! Make sure that your henhouse will have room for new birds later!

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