Coop thoughts

ok i ordered the small one which houses 2-3 chickens. Don't really plan on after talking it over with the wife to have anymore. lol He is going to build one for us to pick up on sunday unpainted so we can paint to match the house for 250 not bad IMHO. I'll make sure to post some pics once we get it all set up.
As promised here are the pics of the coop!



We have plans to paint it the same color as the house and relocate it in a nice cool shaddy spot. The chicks are kinda shocked at how much space they have now lol

Just for kicks and giggles here is a pic of our 2 chicks


These coops are VERY well contructed, and I recommend these to anyone. He makes them as a hobby and does a great job. Message me if you want his details to contact him.

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