Coop Under Construction


Mar 3, 2015
Southern West Virginia, Zone 5
Our coop is about half done. Decided that with rough lumber and roof construction, didn't need a lot of vents. Husband nailed in some boards to permanently seal between rafters. Don't have those pics yet. Just put in one window so far. West facing. Doesn't open. Pop door in. But why is it called a pop door? Just cuz they pop out in the mornings? Got more lumber to finish up the coop. My door on east side with a window in that wall too. Poop board will run the 8 feet along south wall. Then gotta get the hardware cloth to bury below ground and up several inches to keep out predators. Chicken wire over run... Dread the burying/digging part. Heavy into digging with getting weeds out of flower bed! Babies come in the next 1-3 days! I am beyond excited!! I've been greeting my empty stove box on the table every morning as I go by ... practicing for my babies!!! OK - so call me crazy.
You can lay chicken or other wire on the ground about 2' out from the sides of the coop, secure it to the ground and to the bottom of the cop, as another method to prevent digging under. With a little time, you can robably just mow over the wire.

I have no idea why they call them pop doors. I would venture to say most of them swing open and closed from the top, as mine does, forming a short ramp when open which keeps the litter in the coop. Or they slide up and down.

Good luck!

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